Part 6

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They all got in the car before looking at Emma but all still in complete silence. Erin was the one who broke the silence, ‘Okay, Spill’ ‘Well when we got those tickets there was a note with it but I didn’t tell you guys but when we were getting ready in the toilets and I read it’ Emma explained handing the note to them. They all read it as Emma continued to explain, ‘I thought it might have been a fake pin so I forgot about it and carried on getting ready but then when we missed our train I added him, he accepted straight away and pinged me. Then he asked why we weren’t there and I explained and he insisted on sending a car but I have to repay him he said.’ They all let out a high pitch scream as they pulled up to the club, thanked the driver and walked across the road. The bodyguard then ran up to them, ‘Where are you girls going?’ ‘we are just checking our bags into our hotel its the Travel lodge over there tell the boys we will be 10 mins top’Chloe replied, ‘Nope I know the boys really want to see you give me your bags and I will look after them until you need to go’ ‘Thank you’ each of the girls replied as they handed their bags to him before going into the club showing their passes and being escorted to the VIP section.

‘Finally!’ Aston said getting up and giving each of them a hug as the rest of the boys realised they had arrived and came over to say hello as the barman brought drinks over. ‘Can I just say you are looking very nice tonight’ Oristé said hugging them each, ‘Thank you, not looking too bad youself’ Abi replied as the lingered in the embrace. Marv then went back to the DJ booth and started DJing again with Chloe going with him, Reesh and Abi got the hellos over very quickly and went into the corner and were making out, JB and Erin were sat on one table bantering with each other and Aston and Emma were say on the other. ‘So how does one repay Aston Merrygold for saving herself and her friends asses now?’ Emma asked as she took a sip of her blue WKD, ‘Well the first step is to come and dance with me’ Aston replied taking one more swig of his beer before dragging Emma up on the dancefloor.

The Next Morning ………..

Chloe POV

I followed Marvin into the DJ booth after he signalled me to go with him which I was so happy about so I grabbed my drinks and followed him over and that is the last clear memory I have. I mean I can vaguely remember me and Marv making out but that’s it. I lie here thinking this then look to the side of me and see Marvin in the same bed as me and we are both naked! Did I sleep with Marvin from JLS last night? How much did I drink last night? A thousand thoughts start running through my head which doesn’t help my hangover. My thoughts are interrupted by Marvin. ‘Good morning babe last night was amazing’ he said leaning over and giving her a sweet kiss on the lips before putting his boxers on and going over to the kettle and flicking it on.


Last night was absolutely amazing I had such a hangover it is unreal. But on the plus side at least I don’t need to worry about not being able to remember what really happened as me and Reesh were both passed out on my bed fully clothed when I got up first thing but he asked me to be his girlfriend this morning ahhhhhhh can’t wait to tell the boys.

Erin POV

Last nights party was so much fun even though as it turned out myself and JB didn’t really drink much as we both wanted to make sure everyone got back to their rooms safely. As it turned out me and Emma went back to the boys hotel as the other two lets say were getting to know each other very well. Me and JB seem to get on really well but I also really fancy him I don’t want to say anything because the banter between us is unreal and I don’t want to lose that

Emma POV

OMG the JLS boys know how to party got to hand it to them to say he least I am a bit worse for wear from it. I haven’t had much sleep either which hasn’t helped things as Aston insisted that when we got back to his and Marv’s hotel suite that we had more drinks and stay up all night and talk we didn’t even make it to bed we ended up falling asleep on the sofa. It’s weird because I don’t know what I was expecting but he is just like a normal person he’s so down to Earth after about an hr I totally forgot about who he was and we ended up talking like he was any other person. Aston just woke up and suggested we all meet up for breakfast so that we can get the gossip from each other. I agreed and sent a text to the girls and Aston did the same.

The boys were wearing –,r:9,s:22,i:138

Erin was wearing –

Emma was wearing –!/1993jlsfan/media/slideshow?

Abi was wearing- (will add it when the link is working ) xxx

Chloe was wearing –

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