Part 47

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Emma POV

I can't believe how much I am actually missing Ast and I know its going to be a lot worse when my Dad comes and gets Lily tomorrow so that Mum and Dad can see her for a couple of days as although I still talk to my Dad I am still not talking to my Mum but it is unfair on Lily if she doesn't see her Grandparents. I am dreading seeing my Dad though because it will be the first time I see him since we told him that I was pregnant again. Granted he didn't shout and go mad like when I told him that I was pregnant with Lily I guess that is because I am actually in a relationship with the guy that got my pregnant this time but I couldn;t help but hear the dissapointment in his voice when I was talking to him.Yes I guess being 18 and being pregnant with your second child isn't how you would want your child to live their life I mean I wouldn't want that for Lily but at the end of teh day its happening and me and Aston love each other and we both love LIly so thats it really people are going to have to deal with it. Since Lily was a nursery this morning and I didn;t have work and neither did either of the girls I invited them over for a catch up so that I could tell them about me being pregnant but they weren't coming round for another hour so I was just led on the bed flicking through twitter yeah there was teh usual hate but I have moved past the point where it gets to me now. I tweeted * Home alone :( Missing my boy Ast @JLSOfficial so much <3 Cant wait to see my girls @ChloeAnneeex @erinpinhorn and @siobhansouthwel later * I logged off and started tidying up all of Lily things that have been spread around the house as my phone went off telling me I had a text. I picked up my phone smiling as I saw that I had a text from Ast - Hey baby, Hope you, squiggle and Lily are all okay. I just wanted to say good luck with the telling the girls later :) I told the boys this morning and they are really happy for us. Call you on skype tomorrow after you have spoke to your Dad? Miss  you loads I'm off to bed now just got back from the studio  night babe/morning hehe Ast xxxx <3 before getting another text saying JLS had tweeted. Yes I know sad that I get my boyfriends bands tweets sent to my phone but I'm still a fan plus Reesh told me the other day that Ast has mine sent to his phone so its only fair really. Marvin and Ast had both tweeted Marvins sayind * First day at the studio over here got some tunes for you guys Marv x * then Ast's tweeted twice haha * First day in LA done loving the 4th album vibes Ax * and * @1993Emma_ Miss you too babe have fun with the girls Axx* Soon enough the girls have arrived and we were all sat in the living room having a catch up.


The girls were just bantering around talking about everything and Erin had just finished telling the girls that JB had finally asked her to move in with him which was causing huge amounts of banter because they are both such clean freaks. 'Ouch' Chloe said once we had all finished laughing 'Whats wrong?' Siobhan asked with worry in her voice 'Nothing just the baby's kicking really hard today' Chloe said 'Aww I can't wait to feel that again' Emma said before putting her hand over her mouth realising what she had said as she was gonna wait until a bit later on to tell the girls but all three of them just sat there with the mouths wide open before screaming their heads off causing Emma to laugh. 'When did this happen? OMG tell us everything' Erin said squeeling with excitment 'Well we found out last week and we had it confirmed on Friday I am now 6 weeks so its really early days but yeah we couldn't contain our excitment so we had to tell you guys' Emma said beaming stroaking her stomach 'Aww you even got a little bump and all already' Chloe said coming over and hugging her. The rest of the morning the girls carried on their catch up then Erin and Siobhan went as Emma and Chloe went to get Lily from Nursery.

Chloe POV

Aww I can't believe Emma is pregnant again we can be pregnancy buddies will for 3 months at least haha. Not going to lie I was suspecting something because when I first saw her this morning I thought I saw a little bump but then I though it might have just been the t-shirt. On the way to pick Lily up I was texting Marvin even though I told him he should get some sleep he wouldnt have any of it. He was being so sweet he would text me every hour when he was awake to check that I was okay and everything was okay with the baby which is sweet but it does make me miss him 100 times more.

Siobhan POV

Its so sweet that Emma's pregnant again I haven;t know everyone that long as me and Reesh have only been together just over a month but Emma and Aston seem so much in love its nice. Emma is already a great Mum to Lily so I know she will be amazing with this little one and Aston is always amazing with children and I know he will be an amazing Dad.

Erin POV

I am so happy for Emma and Aston its going to be so cute having two babies in the gang as well as Lily havinga little Brother or Sister. It does make me think about my future with JB yes I would love children in the future but I know it is too soon for me and JB.


Hey I haven't written anything down here yet. I just wanted  to say Thanks to everyone reading I have had just under 500 reads of this story and I havent even had it up for a week :D I would also like to say thanks to my co-writer who helps me on some parts @siobhansouthwel. Please follow my personal twitter @1993Emma_ or the account for this fanfic @piecesofJLS xxx

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