Part 46

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Aston. Pov

What a great time we having in LA I love it out here but I wouldn't move here I would miss all my family and that so today we are at the studio at 2pm but I have my appointment at Tiffanys at 11am iwith Marv beforehand, Wo w'm gunna propose honestly I love her so much and I want to spend the retst of my life with her

Marvin POV

We are living the dream out here working with some great people Ast is missing Emma and lil one loads so much bless him we have only been gone just over 24 hours they were on skype to each other last night they are so cute together. He has asked me to go to Tiffanys with him later to help him pick out a ring for her.

Oristé POV

Who would of thought the baby of the group wanting to get married wow I'm so proud of him he's like my bro well all of the boys are can't wait to see what he gets knowing Ast it will be nice.


I really can't believe it baby blue boy wants to get married wow let's see what he gets. Although it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest if there was an award for the most smitten and in love couple ever Ast and Emma would win hands down.

Aston POV

Marv and myself managed to get into Tiffany’s without being papped thank god. I told Emma last night on skype I was worried about being papped but she didn’t seem that bothered on why so luckily I think I’ve got away with this. When we got there I was taken straight to the manager’s office when there were loads and loads of rings. I;m not going to lie  in my head I thought it would go like this -Worker: hello how may I help

Me: can I see that ring there

Worker: sure hear u go

Me: wow lads what you think

Boys: get it

Me: I’ll have that please

Worker: that will be $4,560 please

Me: here u go

Worker: thanks

In reality I am here 3 hours in and not seeing anything that really catches my eye I asked the manager if he had any other rings he said that he didn’t have any more I had looked at over 100 rings but I couldn’t find it. I could feel Marvin getting bored but I was determined to not leave until I have the ring. Then the manager suggested I design my own ring which I thought was the perfect thing for me to do. I got a couple of the rings which I liked parts of the ring and combined to together it took us about 5 hours by the end but I finally got it designed. I thanked the manager and the designing team as we left. Marvin had got something for Chloe whilst I was sorting out the details of where to sending it to but I don’t know what that was. I called my Mum and after the whole OMG my baby is growing up and all that, oh and the crying she agreed to let me have the ring delivered to hers and I would leave it there. Now that’s done it all seems a lot  more real and that everything is coming into place now time to get this album on the go.

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