Part 63

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Aston POV

I am so nervous about tonights performance but at the same time I am looking forward to it. Tonight will be the first time that a girlfriend had come to one of our concerts. Its a shame she is coming on her own since Erin and Siobhan are working and understandably Chloe didn't want to bring Olly to a concert so young bless him he is so cute but growing up so fast too. I am glad Emma came tonight I mean it would have been amazing no matter what night or where she came but today is a year since we met. Its crazy to think how much has changed in a year from going to a single pingle to being madly in love with a girl. I had something planned for tonight since as it is our anniversary (well I see it as our anniversary anyway haha) I am so excited to see Emma I haven;t seen her in 10 days now so I am glad that Emma's Parent's have agreed to have Lily for the night as it means that she came come backstage after the show then come back to the hotel with me tonight and spend the first part of the morning with me before we go on to Manchester later on.

Marvin POV

I can't believe how much my life has changed in the past year if you told me last year that in a years time i would be madly in love with an amazing person who is a fan and have a nearly 3 month old son I would have thought you were mad but it is true and I am ever so grateful for it. When we went out the back of the arena I kept having flash backs of when we met the girls it only seems like yesterday that we met them not a year ago.


Woosh where has the past year gone? LIke seriously one minute we were back here meeting the girls and partying with them and now so much has changed. Reesh has got Siobhan, Aston has got Emma and Lily, Marv has got Chloe and little Olly and I've got Erin. I think I can honestly say for all of us when I say that the past year has been the best year of our lifes. Yeah sure theres been a few ups and downs but on the whole it has been amazing with our girls.

Reesh POV

The boys are so excited about being here today bless them I suppose it is where it all started for them with their girls. I am happy for the boys but it did bring back so bad memories for me of Abi but it is forgotten now because I have Siobhan and I love her with all my heart.


It was now 5 minutes before the start of the show and everyone in the tour party was in the tour huddle before the start of the show As Marvin led the prayer. 'Dear Lord thank you for letting us do what we love every single day, Lets make tonight extra special for Ast with Emma being in the audinence tonight. Amen' 'Amen' everyone chorused before they all put their hands in as Oriste said 'Victory after victory' as the all shouted 'Triumph after Triumph' before raising their arms up in the air hugging each other before getting into their starting positions.

Emma came on her own though because Chloe didn’t want to bring Olly to a concert so young and Erin had work so it was just her out of the girls but she was still looking forward to it. The concert was up to their usual high standards if not higher because Emma was in the audience during Love You More Aston was singing it looking directly in her eyes (Well as well he could from the VIP section) and pointed to her then at the end of it then making a heart with his hands before they went off the stage with the instrumental still going before Aston walked on a minute later in a suit walking towards the middle of the stage and taking a deep breath in before taking to the mic.

‘Okay guys there is someone who is very special to me here tonight who goes by the name of Emma Louise Warren and that last song we sang was dedicated to her because I truely love her with all my heart. Now you are probably wondering where the rest of the guys right about now I promise that they will be out here very soon but I just want to take a minute to tell you a little story. Okay one year today we were playing here for all you lovely JLSters and when we arrived at 8 in the morning I might add there were 4 JLSters who were trying to meet us but didn’t realise we had walked past them when they realise they had missed us they were gutted but then we went back out to meet them so we went out had a chat with them and had pics with them. We all took a liking to them so we partied with them all night long at the after party. One of these beautiful JLSters was Emma and ever since I first saw her I though she was truly breathtaking and an amazing women and I fell in love with her almost instantly. Then I met her amazing daughter Lily then a month after meeting her I finally plucked up the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend then later on the line I asked her and Lily to move in with me because I couldn’t stand being away from them for more than a second. So now we are here tonight and I have finally plucked up the courage today again to ask her one question’

Aston then got down on one knee and pulled a box out of his pocket as the arena started screaming and Emma started crying as she realised what has happened as the arena hushed down he continued, ‘Emma the past year has been so incredible and amazing words just can’t describe it. Going back outside this arena at 8 o’clock in the morning was the best decision I have made in a long time. I love you so much and Lily is just like my own daughter. Everyday when I wake up next to you I think to myself WOW I get to call this girl mine and I never want to loose you. No girl has ever made me feel the way that you make me feel its crazy. We have proved the papers wrong time and time again and no matter what is going on in our lives we managed to get threw it together. You light up a room whenever you come in and you lit up my life when you came into it. I want to protect and look after you and Lily for the rest of our lifes. So Emma Louise Warren will you do the honour of marrying me?’ he finished as a mic got passed to Emma ‘Of course I will I would be honoured I love you so much Aston Iain Merrygold’ she replied into the mic before the both blew each other a kiss the rest of the boys then came on stage ‘Now I think the future Mrs Merrygold should join us on stage now don’t you?’ Marvin said as they all screamed again as Emma made her way to the stage where Aston pulled out the ring ( and put it on her ring finger they shared a quick kiss before Emma went back to her seat. ‘Now I am feeling extremely happy but the question is Cardiff Do You Feel What I Feel?’ Aston said into the mic before the boys went on to perform it and finish the concert.

‘Oh My God Ast I can’t believe you just did that!’ Emma screamed as she came running down towards him before jumping on him and him spinning her around kissing her passionately before gently putting her down. ‘I’m glad you said yes I’ve been so nervous ever since we went to Miami recording’ ‘You’ve really had it planned that long?’ ‘Yes of course didn’t think I would forget the day I met my beautiful fiance now do you?’ ‘To be honest with you didn’t expect you to remember but I’m so glad you did and I love you calling me that’ ‘Me to baby’ ‘so that is why you were so worried about being papped’ ‘Exactly I didn’t want you to see a picture of me looking a buying a ring or it wouldn’t be a surprise’ ‘Well I’m glad you didn’t but you got it perfect Ast it is absolutely perfect. Now I have the perfect fiance, the perfect house, the perfect ring and an almost perfect child’ ‘I’m glad you like it never thought I’d spend 5 hrs in Tiffanys trying to choose one thing but you are worth every second of it.’ ”OMG we need to call our Parents Ast’ Emma said with a sudden rush of excitement. ‘My parents already know but we can call yours now’ Ring RIng….. Ring Ring ‘Hello?’ ‘Hi Dad’ ‘hello Emma you enjoying yourself?’ ‘Yeah thanks Dad it was defiantly I night I will never forget because we have some news for you’ ‘Okay Hi Aston’ ‘Hi Steve you tell him baby’ ‘Dad we’re engaged!’ ‘OMG that is absolutely amazing Emma congratulations both of you’ ‘Thanks’ they both said at the same time ‘Okay Dad we are going to go and celebrate now is everything okay with Lily?’ ‘Yes she’s been no trouble at all now you two go and enjoy yourselves and I will see you Emma tomorrow and will get all the details.’ ‘Thanks bubi Dad’ they both hung up as Aston quickly sent a twitlonger out * I know it is probably all over here by now but I would like to confirm that I did propose tonight during the concert and myself and Emma are officially engaged and both so happy about this and I’m glad I got to share this wonderful occasion with some of you wonderful JLSters thanks for all the congratulations tweets already Lots of always Ast xxx* whilst Emma also tweeted *Yes its true me and Ast are ENGAGED :D #HappyGirl* Before they both went back to the hotel to celebrate.

Sorry for not posting and the huge time skip but I want to get this story finished asap from now on I will be posting a new story however I will only be posting once or twice a month depending on my work load but the parts will be longer mayeb 6ish pages? Sorry if you want me to post every week but I simply don't have the time at the moment Anyway feedback votes etc all appreciated thanks Mwah xx

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