Part 64

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‘So whats this celebrating you have planned then?’ Aston asked cheekily ‘Later geez Man haha I actually had something planned before your amazing surprise’ Emma said with a little wink at Aston as they walked into their hotel room. As they opened to the room with a little picnic set out in the living room part. ‘Is this the surprise baby?’ Aston asked as they sat down ‘This is only the beginning but you have to be a good boy for the rest of it’ ‘Aww baby can’t we just miss this part?’ He asked pouting at Emma with puppy dog eyes ‘Nope’ she replied popping the ‘p’ ‘You’re such a tease’ ‘I know’ Emma said as she crawled over to Aston and fed him a strawberry dipped in chocolate before Aston returned the favour. After they had finished their strawberries the continued to lie on the blanket next to each other fiddling with each others fingers. ‘You know its going to be even harder to go in the morning now’ Emma said quietly ‘I know baby but we are back in London next week for 3 nights so I can see you and Lily every night and morning then only a week after that it will be the end of tour and we can start planning our wedding if you want’ ‘Hmmmm I suppose I just really miss you when you’re on tour’ ‘I miss you like crazy too baby but I have to finish tour or I would come home now come on its the night of our engagement we are not going to be sad’ ‘You’re right now lets have the rest of the surprise’ Emma said smiling getting up and pulling Aston towards the bedroom kissing him passionately as he slipped in his tongue straight away as she did the same.

As they reached the bedroom Aston turned Emma around so that he was slowly pushing her towards the bed as the landed on the bed with Aston ontop of her not breaking the kiss once. Emma slipped her hand under Aston’s top feeling his six pack sensually before pulling it over his head causing Aston to chuckle, ‘miss my body then?’ causing Emma to blush 'Yeah but not as much as I have missed you' 'Awww let me show you how much I have missed you' Aston whispered against her lips before kissing them briefly before making his way down her neck nipping her with his teeth once or twice on his way down before reaching her collar bone kissing all along it causing a little moan to escape Emma's lips. Aston then slowly slid his hands under Emma's body and pulled the zip of her dress down pulling it down her body after doing so as she lifted her body so that he could remove it completly as she undid his jeans taking his boxers with them as she pulled them down as Aston kicked them off winking at her and whispering 'cheeky' in her ear. He then quickly removed her bra causing it to be flung to the other side of the room swiftly followed by her underwear. Emma then pushed him so that she was now ontop of him as she slowly kissed down his chest and down his v-lines causing Aston's breathing to become a lot more irregular before turning into pants as Emma bent down and started to work on his 'friend.' 'Oh God Babe that was amazing' Aston said trying to get his breathing back to normal as he turned Emma over and started to please Emma with his fingers as her breathing became irregular too causing Aston to grin. After a while of them teasing each other Aston reached over to the bedside table and slid a condom on before pushing himself into Emma causing them both to gasp. 'oh........Aston....... babe' Emma started to moan as Aston started to get a rythm up before bowing his head and start to kiss down her neck as Emma tipped her head back giving Aston better axcess. 'I love you so much' Aston whispered to Emma between his pants. 'Hmmm... uh.. yeah love you too.....uh ......Aston faster.....harder' Emma continued to moan as he did as instructed as they continued to do this throughout the night.

*Emma POV*

I woke up the next morning with Aston’s arms around my waist still asleep I didn’t want to wake him so I reached for my phone checking the time it was only 8.04am. I still can’t really believe Aston proposed last night especially in front of all the fans it was insane but it was perfect for us after all it was where we met a year ago. Its mad to think how much has changed in the past year. I unlocked my phone and saw I had quite a few messages I quickly looked at JLS’s tweets seeing a tweet from Marv that he did last night after teh show before we left * I don’t think we will ever forget that show Congrats Em and Ast :) Marvx * * Is it bad that I’m already excited for the wedding of the centry? So happy for Emma and Ast true love right there Jx * *Love is in the air hehe Congraulations Emma and Aston <3 Reesh x* I favorited and re-tweeted them before going back to my messages

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