Part 40

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They left the house and got in Aston’s Range Rover as they went down the road Emma asked ‘So are you going to tell me where we are going yet?’ ‘Do you really want to know?’ Aston replied ‘YES PLEEEAAAASSSEEE tell me Ast I will love you forever’ Emma said in her baby voice causing them both to laugh ‘You won’t love me forever if I don’t tell you?’ Aston said pouting and pretending to be upset ‘Of course I will but please tell me you know I’m impatient’ ‘hmmmmmmmmmmm…….’ Aston continued to do this for about 5 minutes causing Emma to get very impatient so tried using her own ‘tatics’ so she lent over and put her hand on Aston’s inner thigh and began to run her hand up and down his inner thigh getting more closer to his ‘manhood’ each time. Aston starter smirking before taking one hand off the steering wheel and removing Emma’s hand and placing it back on her lap before saying ‘Oh look we’re here’ as they pulled outside a Chinese restaurant ‘really babe you didn’t need to take me here’ Emma said as they sat down at their table. ’ There is you are my girl therefore you are going to be treated like a princess and I have a lot to make up for as I won’t be here for two weeks’ Aston said as they ordered their drinks and food.

The rest of the meal they sat and talked about everything when Aston said ‘so I was thinking we should get a new house’ ‘Whats wrong with the house we have at the moment?’ Emma asked trying not to hide her excitement as she had actually been thinking the same but didn’t want to say anything. ‘Don’t get me wrong I love it but its not really suitable for Lily there’s no where she can run around plus I thought maybe we could buy somewhere a bit bigger you know for when family or friends come to stay with us’ ‘Yeah sounds good’ ‘So maybe we could start looking tomorrow since Lily doesn’t come back until the evening?’ ‘Sure’ ‘Now how about we go home and snuggle up with a film and a glass of wine?’ Aston asked as he signalled the waiter over to get the bill and as usual he insisted on paying.

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