Part 9

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Marvin POV

I had to go back and DJ once I had said hello to all the girls so I gave her a subtle hand movement to show that I wanted her to follow me into the DJ booth. All the girls looked good but Chloe looked especially nice tonight. All through the DJ set I was singing into her ear which I couldn’t help but notice that at one point she was getting goosebumps. As the night went on we moved closer and closer to each other as we were talking. The next thing I know she turned around and kissed me. I didn’t know what to do to start with I was shoked but I quickly started kissing her back. We kept kissing the rest of the set inbetween songs playing. It came to the end of the set and I had to play my last song I decided on DJ Got Us Falling In Love – Usher before taking to the mic I just couldn’t help myself knowing how all us guys felt about the girls. ‘Okay unfortunatly this is the last song guys but me and the boys would like to thank all of you to coming to party with JLS its been off the hook now this last song is for my boys and four amazing girls that we met this morning hope you all enjoy it and we will all see you very soon and get home safe.’ I pressed play and took Chloe by the hand took her out the DJ booth before finding a quiet corner and put my hands round her waist and started kissing her as she put her hands around my neck as our kiss got more passionate and i swiftly slipped in my tongue. After a couple of minutes we broke apart both of us smiling, ‘Come on babe lets go’ I said taking her hand.

Chloe POV

‘Come on babe lets go’ Marvin said to me taking my hand as we made our way out the club grabbing my bag on the way out. ‘Lets go back to mine Emma won’t mind and she looked like she was getting close to Aston if you know what I mean’ I said to Marv as we walked over to the Travel lodge lukily we had managed to sneak past the paps and got there quickly. We ran into the travel lodge and up to mine and Emma’s room quickly as soon as we got in we started making out heavily making our way to the bed in the process. Once we had reached the bed I started undoing the buttons of his top and he undid the zip of my dress our clothes flying everywhere all over the bedroon but neither of us cared and lets say this got a bit heated from then on………

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