Part 20

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Emma POV

Today was my first day at work it wasn’t going too bad I suppose I mean Chloe wasn’t working today so she said that she would look after Lily which made it not as bad and she was coming to meet me for lunch with her apart from when we went to Cardiff this is the longest since she’s been born that I’ve been apart from her. As I was just about to go on my lunch break my mobile went off I looked at it Ast calling came up I pressed accept trying to put all my insecurities behind me.

’Hello?’ ‘Hey babe how are you?’ ‘Good thanks you?’ ‘Yeah good thanks’ ‘soo what causes you to call?’ Emma asked after a minutes silence ‘oh yeah two things firstly we still on for our date next Friday?’ ‘Yeah Chloe said she’ll be fine with Lily’ ‘Good I’m looking forward to it’ ‘yeah me too’ ‘Glad to hear and secondly I’m bored’ ‘why does that not surprise me?’ Emma replied laughing slightly ’ OI no fair its not my fault the boys are in the bunks nursing their hangovers’ ‘ha lightweights’ ‘I know right that’s what I said they’re not hard core partiers like us hey babe’ ‘Totally now what are we going to do about your boredom?’ ‘I dunno but can I ask you something random? Aston asked ‘Okay’ ‘I was led in bed the other night and I realised when we played 20 questions I never asked you if you had any tattoos’ ‘Oh yeah I do’ ‘Oh really?’ Aston asked in a husky voice ‘yeah but you will have to work to get it out of me where they are and what they are of’ emma replied cheekily ‘You just wait until I see you’ ‘Oh perfect timing Chloes here got to go now bye’ ‘Okay have a good day babe’

The rest of the day went fast after Lunch I had been rushed off my feet trying to get everything ready for some WAGs party in the club tonight. As soon as the clock struck 6 I was out of there quicker than anyone else I couldn’t wait to go home and see Lily I also promised I would call my Dad to let him know how everything was going here even though Im still not talking to Mum since our argument after I came back from Cardiff. After my conversation with Aston and a little flirting I know I have to go on this date because I really want to I really felt something when we kissed and if it goes well then we can sort out things from there but we haven’t even had our first date so I just need to concentrate on getting that out the way now.

‘I’m home’ I shouted as I walked through the door as I unlocked it and slumped my stuff on the table going into the living room to see a note on the table I knew before reading it was from Chloe from the writing I picked it up reading it Gone to get some dinner for us will be back in 10 C and L xx No longer had I read it there was a knock at the door as I opened it and took in the vase of flowers from the delivery man. I put them on the kitchen work top before reading the card with Emma on it before turning it over to reading it Hope you had a good first day at work will have to come and check up on your work soon ;) Didn’t think I would forget did you? :P Can’t wait til Friday :D Ast xxx I couldn’t help letting out an ‘Awwww’ out before getting out and composing a new text to Ast Thanks for the flowers they are lovely Em xxx I got an instant reply No problem babe glad you liked them though you would like something to come back to :) Ast xxx

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