Part 26

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The past week went really fast and it was now the last day before the boys went back on tour. Emma and Aston had been hanging out almost everynight and any spare time they had together. Aston really got on with Lily which made things a lot easier and she was really getting attached to him in only a week. Last night Aston came round to Emma and Chloe’s house and they had a movie night. Well lets just say things got a bit heated after Lily was put to bed and they didn’t watch most of the film ;)

‘Last night was amazing Aston’ Emma said as they cuddled up in bed the next morning thinking about last nights little antics ‘Indeed it was haha there was something I was going to ask you last night before we got distracted’ ‘What was that?’ Emma asked blushing slightly ‘I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?’ ‘I would love to be your girlfriend Aston’ Emma said kissing him smiling into the kiss ‘Ansaa the only thing is what do you want to do about being in public just worried about Lily’ Aston said cautiously ‘If we are honsest from the start then it can’t come back to haunt us just tell the truth say about Lily at the end of the day they will write something about us no matter what’ ‘If you’re sure I will write a blog now then and you’re so right baby just ignore whatever they say promise me’ ‘I promise and here we go’ Emma said passing him her I pad Aston quickly typed some stuff before saying to Emma ‘how about this?’ showing her the blog he wrote:

*Hey JLSters,

Can’t wait to get back on the road tomorrow this tour is the ansaaa :) Now I just wanted to write something on here before all the papers write something about it. Okay I have some big news I Aston Merrygold have FINALLY found myself a girlfriend called Emma. We have been seeing each other for about a month now and she is amazing. We want to be completly honest with you from the start so yes she is 18 but I don’t care she is amazing and I am happy with her. Also yes she has as daughter who is amazing just like she is. This doesn’t matter to me so it shouldn’t matter to you please don’t hate on us as it will make us both upset. Hope you can be happy for us as we are happy and please ignore any stories that may occur as they are NOT TRUE

Love Always

Ast ;) xxxx *

‘Post it and put a quick thing on twitter and I will do it too’ Emma said as Aston kissed her head before pressing send as Emma tweeted *JLSters please look at Aston’s new blog :) So happy jlsofficial &lt;3 * as Aston tweeted * Has finally got myself a girl :) 1993jlsfan <3 More on blog I have just posted please no hate :) #HappyAst :) Love you still though Axx * ‘Okay there is nothing else we can do now baby just ignore the hate’ Aston said putting the I pad down on his lap as he put his arm back around her as they looked at the messages. There was a lot of hate like Your old enough to be her Dad or What you doing with someone who has a kid there were still some nice ones which they re-tweeted.

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