Part 19

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‘So whats happening with you and Emma Ast?’ Marvin asked as they were sat on the tour bus on their way to Manchester after an After Party so they were at some stage of tipsy at this point. ‘I dunno Bruv seriously we really got on that night and that kiss was just WOW and I’m not just saying that I really felt something’ ‘You soppy git’ Reesh slurred ‘Argh fuck off Bruv you can’t talk you and Abi are in constant communication you are a couple like Chloe and Marv but meh I dunno it complicated’ Aston continued looking at the questioning faces of JB, Marv and Reesh ‘She has a kid if we get in a relationship its not just us we would have to worry about it would be Lily as well I mean it doesn’t bother me but I think it might bother Emma’ ‘At least you have got somewhere with Emma whether it works out or not I can’t even ask Erin out I’m in the bloody friends zone ’ JB said half trying to make Aston feel better half feeling sorry for himself that he hadn’t acted on his feelings that night in Wales. ‘Right you two stop moping around. Aston you are going to go out with Emma on that date and will forget about any worries you or she might have and enjoy the night she will tell you if she doesn’t want anything to happen. As for you JB if I go by anything that Chloe says than you are not in the friends zone she just thinks shes in yours now go text her or something don’t want a downer on this tour’ Marvin said stepping in ‘Yeah you tell them Bruv no tour depression plus we see them in like a weeks time anyway’ Reesh shouted from his bunk clearly he had been half listening to their conversation after he walked out half way through to speak to Abi on the phone.


After we had our conversation between us four well three mainly we decided to play a few games on FIFA which Ast won I wasn’t really concentrating really I just kept thinking about what Marvin said to me “if I go by anything that Chloe says than you are not in the friends zone she just thinks shes in yours” with that I decided to go to my bunk and text her——-

J- Hey babe you still awake? xx

E – Yeah just reading my book in bed why? xx

J- Just wondering :) how are you? xx

E – Good thanks you? xx

J- Yeah good xx

E- Good have a good show and party? xx

J – Show was amazing as always but after party was okay I suppose xx

E – Why was it only okay? xx

J- Not that same without you xx

Okay I decided to send that to test the waters see whether she would respond I knew if she did then Marv was definitely telling the truth if not ….. well I dunno lets hope not

Erin POV

I just read it over and over again I didn’t know what to respond I didn’t want to say something then looking like a complete twat getting the wrong end of the stick I decided to leave it and ask the girls about it but before I could do that I got another text come through ——-

J- Babe you still there? xx

E – Yeah sorry didn’t know what to put xx

J – Its okay I meant it though really enjoyed that night xxx

E – Yeah me too we should do it again sometime xx

J – What like a date? ;) xx

E – I dunno maybe xx

J – Okay we will have to see what we can do when I’m back in London xx

E – Sounds good anyway I’m off now night xx

J – Night babe xx

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