Part 23

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Emma POV

Once I had got my tattoo finished I went to pick up Lily from her nursery visit. She really enjoyed it and only cried for about 5 minutes which relaxed me a lot and I knew it would make it easier for the both of us when I had to drop her off next week so she can start properly when I go to work. I mean Chloe has been amazing with Lily but I need to get her into a routine but I don;t have any worries about leaving her with Chloe like tonight. Ahhh I was so excited Aston was going to meet Lily hopefully that would go well then we’re going on our date. Its funny because even though when I’m with Aston, talking to him or texting etc to him I see him as Aston but every now and again I get these moments that I have to snap myself out of where I totally fangirl over the whole situation because all I want to do is scream at the top of my lungs ‘I’M GOING ON A DATE WITH ASTON FRICKING MERRYGOLD’ hey don’t blame me I’m still a fan ;) Although I was looking forward to tonight I was worried about Chloe because I knew that Marvin was coming round to ours tonight and she was going to tell him. It has been playing on her mind all week I could just tell she was being distracted all the time at work and just go into a day dream at home. I just hoped Marvin would take it as well as Chloe is.

Once I had got home it was 5pm so I had a couple of hours to get myself nearly ready and Lily ready for bed before Aston comes round. Lily was quite tired so I thought I would put her down for a quick nap whilst I had a shower. Before putting her in her play pen whilst I did my hair and making putting my onesie on as I didn’t want to ruin my dress when I fed Lily. WhenI woke Lily she wasn’t to happy with me because I knew she wanted to sleep so she was being quite clingy to Chloe but I knew that if she would have had a longer nap she wouldn’t sleep properly and Chloe didn’t need that as well as the stress of telling Marvin.


Aston had turned up and was wearing this,r:18,s:0,i:110&tx=60&ty=82

Chloe answered the door as Emma was feeding Lily and let him in before showing him into the kitchen where Emma and Lily were before going up to her room. Aston came in and sat on the side and waited for Emma to finish cleaning up Lily before getting up and went over to her and gave her a bunch of roses and kissed her on the cheek and saying, ‘hey babe these are for you.’ ‘Thank you I will just put them in a vase’ before looking at Lily and laughing as she had gone all shy and was cuddling into Emma’s chest. ‘Do you want a drink?’ Emma asked ‘No I’m fine thanks’ before they both went and sat down in the living room as Emma introduced him to Lily after about 5 minutes Lily had stopped being all shy and was in hysterics as Aston was pulling funny faces at him. They then just had a normal conversation about how tour was going and reminiscing on that night/day in Cardiff before Chloe came back down asking Emma,’ Do you want me to look after Lily why you go and get dressed?’ ‘Yes please’ she replied ‘I will just be 10 minutes Ast’ ‘Okay no rush babe’ with that Emma handed Lily to Chloe before quickly touching up her make up which was done naturally and checking her hair in the mirror (it was up in a high ponytail with her fringe in a mini quiff) before slipping her dress on (

Emma walked down the stairs as Aston looked up and muttered something under his breath and started blushing. ‘Aww Ast look at you’ Marvin said laughing as he came in with Chloe. ‘You look amazing Emma’ Aston finally said as she reached the bottom of the stairs’ Don’t look to bad yourself’ Emma replied giving him a cheeky wink before going in the living room followed by Aston quickly introducing Lily to Marvin then saying bye to Lily and checking Chloe was going to be okay with her. ‘Yes I will be fine’ Chloe laughed as Aston and Emma were walking out the door ‘You positive?’ Emma said ‘Yes I’m sure if I have any problems I will call you now just go’ Chloe said laughing before shutting the door and they both got into Aston’s car.

Aston POV

The date went amazingly well tonight and she looked Amazing. The conversation just flowed perfectly not a moment where we weren’t talking. She did explain about how nervous she was about me meeting Lily tonight which I totally understand but she was relaxed about it now I have met her. Lily is such a sweet baby its unreal and her laugh is adorable. On the way home ngl I was gutted that it was the end of the date but we had already decided that we were going on another date soon as we both had a amazing time. All night I swear she was teasing me with her dress because I could see her tattoos which is such a turn on for me as I pulled up on her drive I couldn’t contain the questions any more so I turned to her and asked her, ‘So whats the meaning behind the tattoos?’ I was mainly referring to one she had on the rib cage with the lyrics to proud Now I’m hoping, if you hear this

You believe that all that I do is to make you proud

Make me stronger, so that I rise up She just sat there and laughed ‘Whats so funny?’ I asked laughing with her I couldn’t help it her laugh was just infectious ‘I was waiting all night for you to ask that as I could see you looking at it every now and again. Okay’ This one pointing at the lyrics on her rib cage ‘is for my Uncle and Grandad who died suddenly a couple of years ago then this one ( is the one I had earlier obviously for Lily, I have a heart like yours on your hand on my hip which I had done on my 16th just wanted something small and me and my friends had them to show our love for each other no matter what happens but I’m not showing you that one just yet haha and finally this one ( but in red) referring to the one at the bottom of her hairline on her neck is to show that I truly believe in love’ I was so intrigued by them it was like my tattoos they had meaning behind them. ‘They are so nice meaning behind them as well which I like. Well I have had a really nice time tonight and I am definitely looking forward to our next date’ I said as we walked up to her front door ‘Yeah me too Thanks for tonight Aston’ she replied before giving me a quick sweet kiss on my lips ‘Your welcome’ I said trying not to grin from that kiss ‘Well I better go and relieve Chloe of babysitting duties’ ‘Yeah okay I will text you and maybe we could do something in the week with the others?’ I asked as she opened the door ‘Yeah sounds good night Aston’ she said ‘Night babe’ I called back as she shut the door and I got in my car. God I am really falling for this girl and quick with that thought I went home and went to sleep with a huge smile on my face.

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