Part 56

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Chloe POV

Wow it's 3am I'm in pain booming baby I tell ya as soon as it out the better Marvin is a sleep beside me. I hadn't been sleeping wellthe past few weeks and I had asked the midwife and Emma about it and they both said it was completly normal. Emma said that I was luckily because when she had Lily for the last trimester she struggled to sleep where as I had made it to my last month before I started to have problems sleepin. I was walking down to the kitchen after about half an hour of tossing and turning finally giving in when I had a really bad sharp pain shoot through my stomach as I shouted 'MARVIN' 'what babe?' he moaned groggigly as I heard him getting out of bed. I started to breathe deeply as I got another sharp pain through my stomach causing me to take a sharp breathe in before managing to get 'I think the baby is......' I couldn't finish my sentence as I heard a gush of water on the tiles of our kitchen as I looked down as I realised that my waters had infact just broke as panik started to rush through my body.At this point Marvin came running down the stairs saying 'baby what's wrong?' I felt another contraction starting as I grabbed his hand squeezing the life out of it as he saw my waters on the floor as I said, 'marv the baby is on its way' after the contraction finished 'ok don't worry go get in the car and I will text everyone and grab your bag' I nodded before quickly getting a fresh pair of knickers on before waddling my way to the car.

Marvin POV

Wow I'm gunna be a daddy in the matter of well I dunno really I got all Chloe's stuff and I text the boys

*lads get to hospital Chloe bout to have baby I'm gunna be a daddy ok goin now huurrrrrry Mxx*

I ran to the car and saw Chloe gripping on for dear life. As soon as I got in the car I put my foot on the gas I didn't care if I got a speeding ticket I needed to get to the hospital ASAP.

We got the the hospital 16 minutes but Chloe was only 5cm which meant could take for ever. As we got settled in the room there was a knock on the door. 'come in' I said as the door opened and there was all the boys with there girls. Chloe was really beginning to get restless now tirdness and being worn out from the contractions, 'omg get them out' she screamed through the contraction squeezing my hand once again. Everyone one said, 'ok ok we're going' as I gave them all an apologetic smile. I guess Chloe scared Aston as he  was running so fast the door shut in his face and he face planted it

'bro u ok?'  I asked trying not to laugh or take my attention off Chloe he just stepped back opening the door sayin, 'yep yep I'm good going now' before bolting out the door. After he left me and Chloe started laughing as she said, 'silly boy  he's funny' I managed to reply, 'yeh he is' before she had another contraction.

Chloe POV

7 hours later

'Omg it's pain full ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' I screamed I was in complete agony I had been pushing for about an hour now I felt like giving up my body felt weak and like it was slowly giving up on me. The midwife encouaged me, 'keep pushing' as I pushed through the next contraction as I vaguley heard Marv saying, 'good girl come on I wanna see my baby' I screamed at him 'this is all ur bloody fault' he didn't say a word just continued to hold my hand as another contraction I screamed for the life of me as I felt all my muscles relax and with that we heard crys of a baby. The midwife then turned to Marvin and me and said, 'Congratulations you are parents to a little boy' Marvin then leant over and kissed my head as he swept the hair out of my face as the midwife brought him over to us 'and here's ur lil boy' smiling at us as she put him in my arms as Marvin cooed, 'well done baby he's lovely' as a few happy tears escaped my arms as I said, 'yeh he is olly humes' We had already decided on Olly as a name if our baby was a boy. We put Olly in his crib as he felt my body giving into tiredness as Marvin went outside to tell everyone the good news.

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