Part 60

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Emma POV

I woke up with Aston sitting up in bed looking down at my intently yet again he is so sweet he knows that I don't like waking up without him being there. 'Morning' I mumbled streching up like a cat causing Aston to chuckle to himself before shuffling back down the bed leaning close to me so that our noses and foreheads were resting against each others before giving me a long sweet kiss. 'Morning' he replied after, 'ready for today?' he asked causing a huge grin to break out on his face which instantly transfered onto my face. I eagarly nodded my head as I asked, 'what have you got planned then?' to which he just tapped his nose before junping out of bed beofre picking Emma up as they both got ready.


'I've had such a lovely day today Ast thanks' I said as we walked back to the house up the drive. Aston had taken me on what I thought was a drive but we ended up on the outskirts of London in a little Park where we went for a romantic walk where Aston had arranged for a picnic to bed set up for us with all my favourite foods which was strange if you look at them all together but it was lovely. I later on found out that Aston had got the boys involved and they set it all out it did confuze me a bit how it had got there knowing that there was no way Aston could have done it. It was so nice to have some 'us' time yeah the odd fan came up to us and asked for a picture and autograph you know the usual but after they just left us to it. We then walked on a little bit and the boys were there where they had set up a projector in the middle of teh park and turned it into a bit on a mini cinema in the middle of the park and we watched my favourite film 'A Walk To Remember' which always made me cry but Aston cuddled up to me tighter when it got to the sad bits and wiped away my tears as the fell down my cheeks not letting one single tear roll all the way down. I never thought I would meet someone so perfect it was like he had gone into my brain and planned out my perfect day with everythng he really in the best boyfriend in the world. The strange thing is that I don't see him as Aston Merrygold from JLS like I did  when I first met him I just see him as Aston... My boyfriend.... My life. I have never fell so quick and hard for any other man in my life.

Hey sorry this part is really crap but I needed a filler and I wanted to post before the weekend since I wont be posting this weekend because its my Birthday. I may post another part tomorrow depends on how my day goes. xx

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