Part 32

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* Emma POV *

‘I Love You’ he whispered on my lips I couldnt help but grin honestly the past few days I had been thinking about us and feeling like I love him the fact that he just said that to me confirmed my feelings. ’ I Love You Too’ i replied before kissing him passionatly as Lily start to crying we pulled away as we both smiled as I got up and went to get Lily.

* Normal *

Emma came down with Lily she was in that cute half asleep half awake stage so was just cuddled into Emma as they sat on the sofa. ‘You didn’t have to say it back you know’ Aston said looking at Emma as Emma just laughed ‘What you laughing at missy?’ Aston asked looking rather confused. ’ I wouldnt have said it if I didn’t mean it silly. Can you hold Lily why I just go grab her bottle?’ Emma said still laughing before handing Lily to Aston who she cuddled into straight away giving him a quick peck on the lips before coming back 5 minutes with Lily’s bottle going to pick up but she started crying and leaning towards Aston with her arms extended towards him aswell clearly indicating that she wanted to go back to Aston. Emma just sighed giving her back to him with the bottle as Aston laughed and started to feed Lily. ‘What am I going to do with you?’ Emma laughed sitting down next to him ‘What?’ Aston laughed back ‘First you don’t bring me my Nandos then my own daughter rather have cuddles and be fed by my boyfriend than me’ Emma said pretending to be sad. ’ Awww babes is not my fault I have this pull on beautiful girls I just can’t help it.’ ‘I’m your dreams maybe’ Emma said laughing whilst playfully hitting his thigh ‘Well something brought me to you’ Aston said placing his spare hand on her leg as he had now finished feeding Lily ‘Yeah JLS duuuh’ ‘I prefer to think destiny after all as I always say Don’t look for love…’ ‘Let love find you’ Emma finished off his sentence before smiling and giving him a sweet kiss.

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