Part 12

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‘Can I just say you are looking very nice tonight’ Oristé said hugging of us, ‘Thank you, not looking too bad youself’ I replied who was I kidding that guy had huge amounts of Swagg we just lingered in the embrace for a while before quickly grabbing our shots we did about 20 very quickly and shaking our heads whilst doing them (for people who don’t know if you shake your head when drinking alcohol especially shots it goes to your head straight away/quickly) before I had Reesh’s arms snaking around my waist so I turned around to face him and we started making out before making our way to the corner our lips not parting for a minute. As we pulled apart after about 10 minutes and Reesh keep kissing my neck before kissing me again. He them mumbled against my lips, ‘Wanna get out of here?’ I nodded my head and grabbed his hand and ran towards the table to tell Erin that we were going back to our room. We managed to stumble our way over to the Travel lodge there were tonnes of paps out there but we were so drunk we didn’t care about it. After searching around in my bag for the key for about 10 minutes we stumbled into the room shutting the door behind us no longer had I shut the door I found myself and Reesh making our way to the bedroom with our lips not parting until we led on the bed heavily making out. As we pulled apart I whispered in his ear,’ Give me two minutes to freshen up’ winking at him before going into the bathroom. When I went back into the bedroom I found Reesh passed out on the bed so I got in under the covers and pulled it over us and going to sleep

The next morning ………..

Reesh POV

I woke up in a hotel room not recognising it I look around then got my phone out checking the time and seeing a text from Ast asking us if me and Abi wanted to meet everyone else for breakfast. It all came flooding back to me as I heard the door open from the bathroom and Abi came out I just smiled, ‘Morning’ she said coming in and siting back on the bed ‘Morning’ I replied ‘So babe you know what happened last night?’ ‘Yes’ she replied blushing a little I couldn’t help but notice ‘Well I was thinking about it and I really liked it and I really like you so I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?’ I asked ‘YES!’ she practically screamed in my ear before kissing me sweetly ‘Yay. Okay I am going to grab a shower and get changed then we can go and meet the rest for breakfast’ Once we were ready we walked out the room hand in hand to go and meet the others.

Erin POV

Once me and the girls had said hello to the boys we all split up with the guys again like earlier the banter between me and JB started straight away we just clicked. We both decided not to have any more drinks (alcoholic) after the second round as we both realised that the rest of them were hitting the drinks pretty hard tonight and we both agreed that we would feel guilty if anything was to happen to any of them after about an hour Abi came over to us and whispered in my ear, ‘If I was you I wouldn’t come back tonight’ I nodded and bit my lip trying not to laugh until they had gone. As soon as they went I burst out with laughter JB just looked at me like I was mad ,’Whats so funny he asked’ ‘Oh nothing just something Abi said’ ‘Do I want to know?’ JB said laughing too now I shook my head before we carried on bantering as the night went on we both started to yawn. ‘Wanna go?’ JB asked seeing me yawn I nodded my head before realising what Abi said to me earlier in the evening, ‘I would but I don’t exactly want to go back to my room tonight if you get my drift.’ ‘Yeah I understand come on you can come back to my hotel I guess Reesh wont be wanting his bed tonight’ he replied laughing lightly as we got up and said bye to everyone well Ast and Emma were the only ones left and they looked as if they had no intention of stop partying any time soon LOL.

The next morning ………


I enjoyed last night so much I get on with Erin so much actually we all got on with each other but me and Erin just clicked. I got up before her so I woke up and made us both a brew to wake us up a bit then replied to a text Ast sent me asking us to breakfast with the rest of the gang I said yes we would go. I took the tea into Erin leaving it on the side as she was now in the shower I drank my tea before getting ready myself. I got ready and me and Erin just sat down and continued talking until we needed to go and meet the others. We kept telling me all about herself and her life I had to resist the urge to kiss her quite a few times. I really wanted to go ask her out I’m just worried about the age gap I mean shes only just turned 18 shes so young but we just get on so well I think I’m gonna have to see how it goes from here we exchanegd numbers earlier so that we can carrying on talking after we go later on this afternoon to carry on with our tour.

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