Part 11

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Emma POV

‘Ha well I would say yes aslong as it was just a date and nothing else but I know that you are busy and things like that so I wouldnt expect you……..’ I replied but before I could finish what I was saying he pushed his lips onto mine. An explosion of fireworks went off in my head and I got butterflies in my stomach my suspisions after 4 years were finally confirmed he WAS hotter than in person and an amazing kisser. I pulled away as I knew that we could never be together I just sat there in a complete day dream before Aston snapped me out of it

Aston POV

‘Babe whats wrong?’ I asked as she pulled away and went into a daydream, ‘Oh nothing’ ‘So can I take that as a yes?’ ‘No sorry you can’t it would never work I just cant sorry’ she said not looking directly in my eyes I knew there was something up so I took her hands into mine ‘It will work we can make it work I know your a fan so you’ve read all the stories that the press have written about me but I’m not like that I promise you’ I said looking into her eyes so she knew how much I meant it there was something about this girl that was special and I didn’t want to loose her. She just sighed and put her head back before saying, ‘It’s not just that its everything and with my life and yours it just won’t be your life is hectic and unpredictable I need something stable I have baggage it’s not so simple for me I can’t just suddenly decide to date a pop star my life doesn’t work like that.’ She said as the tears started rolling down her face I rubbed them with my thumb and pulling her into a hug and whispered in her ear, ‘I didn’t mean to make you upset I just really like you but if you don’t want this then we can be friends’ She pulled away wiping her tears away, ‘yes I would like that I just can’t be in a relationship not just right now I don’t want to tell you right now but maybe as our friendship grows I will tell you’ ‘Okay come on you freshen up then we can go’

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