Part 8

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‘Tea?’ Emma shouted from the kitchenette as Aston was getting changed from having a shower ‘Please babe’ he replied coming out of one of the bedrooms without a top on which caused Emma to just stare at him. ‘You know if you take a picture it might just last that little bit longer’ Aston laughed coming over and finishing making the teas whilst Emma pulled herself together and quickly took a snap of his abs before sitting down on the sofa wetting herself with laughter. ‘Whats so funny?’ Aston asked bringing the teas over’...... wait you actually did take a picture didn’t you?’ Emma just blushed and took a sip of her tea, ‘Thanks’ ‘No problem babe I took the liberty of finishing them as you seemed distracted’ After they had finished their teas Emma jumped in the shower then forgot where she was and who she was in a hotel room with and came out in just her towel.

Emma POV

I jumped out the shower and walked across the hall to the bedroom humming Proud to myself when I heard a wolf whistle. I turned around to see Aston sat there with a smug look on his face. ‘And what did you mean by that?’ I asked turning to him not really sure what to do ‘Nothing just your body deserved that for looking so hot in just a towel’ he replied I just shook my head before going into the bedroom before getting into some jeans and a t-shirt to go and meet the others for breakfast before it sunk in ahhhhh Aston Merrygold just wolf whistled at me in my towel I had to grab a pillow and scream into it to get all my excitment out before walking back into the living area to see Ast playing on his mobile phone.

Aston POV

OMG she look so hot in that towel I wanted to just kiss her like last night I managed to get her number last night and I was planning on asking her out on a date but she seemed like the type of girl I’m gonna have to impress before I ask her out. I really liked her I know I’ve known her for less than 2 hours but she doesn’t seem like the normal girls yes she was a fan but after an hour of getting to know each other at the after party last night she seemed to look past the fame and treated me like a normal person. I better up my game if I want to take her on a date soon before anyone else snatches her up. I might just ask her later its worth a try then if she rejects me I will just have to try harder to impress her.

‘What time are we meeting everyone for breakfast?’ Emma asked sitting on the sofa and lying down on it ‘oh not until another hour’ ‘oohhh…. so what we gonna do for an hour?’ ‘Well for starters you could answer my question which I asked you last night but rudely fell asleep whilst I was talking to you’ Emma blushed before saying, ‘Sorry didnt mean to’ ‘Its okay I just want my answer’ ‘I can’t even remember what you asked me’ Emma laughed. Aston say up and said, ‘I asked you what you would say if I asked you on a date’ ‘I would say it depends’ ‘OMG your such a tease would you say yes or no?’ ‘Ha well I would say yes aslong as it was just a date and nothing else but I know that you are busy and things like that so I wouldnt expect you….....’ Emma’s response was cut off by Astons lips crushing against her own.

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