Part 4

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Aston POV

That show was CRAZY Cardiff never fails to bring it now for the After party haha enjoyed meeting the fans at 8 this morning to #ansaa Ax I tweet as I was now on the way too Swansea Oceana. I am so excited for tonight as I know that Emma and her friends are coming into the VIP section later. I had clocked where they were by the end of the first song so when we had a quick change of clothes I told Mark and he had managed to sucessfully give them the tickets and the note that I gave him to go with the tickets. I know that it isn’t just me who wanted to get with the girls all of the boys wanted to get with the girl that they were talking with especially Reesh he hasn’t stopped talking about Abi. We got out at the club and after having our pics taken with the fans and signed some stuff we got up to the VIP area the girls were no where to be seen I was gutted but the party must go on Marv started playing some tunes I was dancing but looking around to see if the girls were there but no such luck I was hoping that they were just running late. After dancing for a couple of songs I just wasn’t into it I just sat down at the table and drank some more of my beer before JB came and joined me and started talking and we just ended up bantering around.

Emma POV

The concert was absolutely amazing Aston was right they had stepped it up. During the minibreak between the first and second dimension one of the security team came up to me and handed four VIP tickets for the after party later and a note with Emma written on it. I showed the girls the VIP tickets and snuck the note in my pocket and went to read it when we got changed it read –

Hey Gorgeous,

It was lovely to meet you earlier and I was wondering if yourself and the girls would like to join us in the VIP area tonight? I would like to get to know you better and buy you a drink and you are all also welcome to join us for our after party that we have. Anyway heres my BBM pin – 56745TMG add me? ;)

Ast xxx

I didn’t really know what to do I didn’t want to add his pin just in case it was a hoax I hoped it wasn’t but I didn’t want to get my hopes up so I put it to the back of my mind and we got ready with us all letting out screams as we went to the train station as it finally sunk into our heads what has happened today already and with excitement on what the night was going to hold for us. We walked to the train station arm in arm with each other clutching our VIP tickets with our lives.

Chloe POV

‘FUCK’ I screamed as we got to the train station as we realised we had missed our train and the next one wasn’t for another half an hour. We all looked at Emma is despair as we had no idea what to do and she was just sat down engrossed in her phone. She looked up at us with a smug look on her face and said, ‘Don’t worry I have it sorted we will be there in no time chillax’ before looking back down to her phone. What was this girl doing?

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