Part 57

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It was now Christmas Eve and all the boys and girls were round Marvin and Chloe's house after having some food and a drink as they wouldn't be seeing each other for another week since they would all be doing separate things as couples and with their respective families.

Marvin and Chloe were having a Christmas at home with Olly since it was not only their first Christmas as a couple but Olly's first Christmas too. Granted he will not remember it when he is older but it is still important to make any child's first Christmas as special as the Parent's can make it and with Chloe as mad about Christmas as a five year old no-one had no doubts that Olly's first Christmas would be one to remember.

Oriste and Siobhan were spending their Christmas apart as they had already had plans for Christmas separatley before they had got together. Oriste was spending his Christmas with his Mum and Brothers and Siobhan was spending it with her family too but would be joining Oriste and his family on Boxing day which would be nice for them as even though they had met each others family on a couple of occasions this would be the first holiday as such that they would be spending together.

JB and Erin were going to have both of their families around to their house as they couldn't decided whos parents they wanted to spend their Christmas with so decided to invite everyone around theirs. Erin was planning on making a huge roast dinner for everyone and JB said that he would just stay out of her way because once Erin was in the zone whilst cooking that was it.

Emma and Aston were also having a Christmas at home with Lily so that they could open their presents from each other and LIly could open her presents from Santa in the morning and then Aston's family would be joining them in the late afternoon so that they could spend some of the day together.


'Right we better get off and try and get the children settled because that is going to take for ages' Emma said getting up from the sofa 'You do realise you said children?' Erin laughed as Emma nodded her head 'Lily of course and Ast' Emma laughed. Which caused an uproar of laughter by everyone and Aston to pull Emma back onto the sofa whilst landing on his lap. 'You love it' Aston whispered against Emma's lips as Emma mumbled an answer before crashing their lips together in a quick fiery kiss before Emma pulled away getting up before pulling Aston up and picking Lily up. Everyone then said their goodbyes and Christmas wishes whilst putting the presents they had exchanged for tomorrow  in their respective cars before leaving Marvin, Chloe and Olly in peace.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while my life is manic right now but will try and catch up at various points in the week so hopefully you shall have more coming your way this week :D Also I have started writing Invisible and I need people to be in it so if you could tweet me if you want to be in it. Feedback, votes and RTs are always welcome :D

Emma xx

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