Part 43

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Emma POV

1week later

So today Aston and the boys are off to LA to do some recording over there for their next album Aston has been worried all week over. Me and the baby from what happened in the past but oh well my boy has work to do. I am really going to miss him and I think Lily is too she really has been bonding more than Liam if I dare to say it. He is so good with her it’s so cute together it really cements the idea of me and Aston having our little squiggle as Aston keeps calling it after we had our scan to confirm the pregnancy and I was 5 weeks gone now well nearly 6 now. He has been amazing not letting me do anything at all that may cause any harm to the baby and making sure that I am eating right etc. He has even packed one of my pregnancy and babies book that I have had from when I was pregnant with Lily but he doesn’t think I have noticed that its gone yet haha

Aston POV

I really don’t want to go today I feel like I should be with Emma but she keeps saying no go I just hope she don’t think I will do what her ex did. I was sat on the floor in Lilly’s room playing with her she is just do adorable it’s unreal I love her as much as if she was mine it just makes me more excited about mine and Emma’s baby now. We had decided that whilst I am away that I was going to tell the boys and she would tell the girls as we knew that Emma might show whilst I was away as you show earlier when its not your first pregnancy. We were planning on telling my Parent’s when we get back and Emma didn’t want to tell her Mum but we had called Emma’s Dad this morning because she was going to see him this week. I am so excited for our little squiggle I have even packed one of her baby books so that I can get up together with everything. It was now time for me to go as my ride to the airport was here …..

Me: Lilly Come Here A Minute

Lilly: Eye U Oing Abon

Me: Hahah Darlin I Got To Go See Reesh Marv J And We Going To Make New Music

Lilly: Eye

Me: To Make All Our Fans Happy Baby Like Mummy

Lilly: I Uve Oo Abon

Me: Come Hear You I Love you And Be Good Girl For Mummy Yeah Or Else No Pressey When I Get Back Ok

Lilly: Ok Uve U

Me: I love you too Lily

I then put Lily down who crawled off and went to play with her toys as I walked over to Emma and kissed her

Emma: I’ll Miss You

Me: Miss You Too And you squiggle Hand On Belly

Emma: Your Too Cute

We started kissing again and I started a tug at my trousers as we pulled away as I saw Lily trying to get my attention

Lilly: Uve You Daddy

Emma: OMG Did She Just Call U Daddy

Me: Yeh Love U Too Baby And Emma U Look After yourself Yes?

Emma: Corse I Will U Know I Will I Got Trouble Here to keep me in line

Me:Yep You Have Love You See U Next Week

Emma And Lilly: Bye Love You

Me: Love U More

OMG I can’t believe lily just called me Daddy I feel so emotional right now and guilty even more so for leaving them now.

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