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20 years later……..

Today was Lily’s wedding day. Yes I know what you are all thinking what happened to that little girl that she was when they first met but yep shes all grown up and getting married herself. Lily never heard from Liam after he left apart from the odd birthday card every couple of years but she didn’t see him as her Dad. She asked Aston to walk her down the isle which he was more than happy to do as he had always been a constant in her life apart from most of the first year of her life.

‘I would like to thank my Dad for this wonderful day. Dad you may not be my biological Dad but you are so much better I can see how happy you make Mum and if Me and Josh have half the marriage you two have then I know we will have a very happy marriage’ Lily said going over to give Emma and Aston a big hug who were both in tears (Emma more than Aston.)

As the evening went on Emma and Aston were sat at the top table and looked around the room at the people they recognised and realised how much has changed since they met all that time ago. Doing this Aston lent over and whispered into Emma’s ear, ‘I’m so glad we came back to meet you that day because it truly did change my life’ Emma turned her head smiling leaning in and kissing him whispering ‘me too’ on his lips before they shared a sweet and short yet passionate kiss.

Aston and Emma quickly fell pregant after the wedding with their first Daughter together hope then went on to have two more children after Hope, another girl came just under 3 years after Hope called Scarlett then Aston finally got another male in the house who came just over a year after Scarlett called Luke. They have their ups and downs as always like every couple but they always managed to get through it. Marvin and Chloe didn’t have any more children after Olly but finally got married after 8 years of being together. Erin and JB found out that they were expecting their first child shortly after Hope was born and got married quickly after they found out. They had a little boy called James and then a little girl two years later called Olivia. Oriste and Siobhan never did get married but are still together after 4 children together, Kyle, Harriet, Oriste Jnr and Jay.

There we go its done hope you enjoyed it until the last two parts which i appologise are so bad anyway now I can get on with Invisible :D xxx

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