Part 15

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Chloe got up to go and see Emma but Aston put his arm out to stop her, ‘Let me go please’ ‘Okay aslong as you promise not to hurt her she really wasn’t ready to tell you we only found out a couple of weeks ago’ Chloe said ‘I won’t I promise’ Aston said before running into the toilets after her.

Aston POV

I went into the ladies toilets not caring if anyone else was in there I just needed to make sure Emma was okay. I went int lukily no one else was in there apart from her I went to teh end toilet where I could hear sniffles coming from and knocked on the door. ’Emma…. Emma…..Babe’ I said softly but still no reply, ‘Please open up babe I want to know your okay’ ‘No just leave me alone Aston’ Emma said between sniffles. ‘Come on open up it will be okay I promise everyone is behind you just come back out please……. we’re all worried about you’ I heard shuffling towards the door and the toilet lock slowley becoming unlocked. She opened it her eyes were all red from where she had been crying so much when teh door finally opened I just pulled her into a hugbecause I knew thats what she really needed right now.

Emma POV

I opened the toilet door and I got pulled into a hug by Aston and it just started all again the tears came streaming out, ‘shhhh…. come on shhh don’t cry I hate seeing girls cry especially not ones as beautiful as you’ he whispered trying to dry my tears with his thumb. ‘You probably think I’m a right slag 18 with a nearly 1 year old daughter’ I whispered into his chest, ‘ay ay ay ay enough of that talk no one thinks your a slag I know where you’re coming from my Mum had me at a young age I know it isn’t easy’ the sound of Aston’s voice calmed me right down the tears had practically stopped now ‘Thank you Aston’ I said giving him another hug before trying to sort out my make up as mascara had ran all down my face. ‘You ready to go out yet?’ Aston said once I had sorted my self out, ‘Give me one more minute and I’ll be ready’ Aston came over and gave my another hug before giving me a sweet kiss on the lips. Before he could pull away I started kissing him back more passionatly him swiftly slipping in his tongue as I return teh favour. By the time we had pulled away my hands were around his neck and his hand were around my waist. ‘Now how about that date when we are both in London?’ he asked ‘I’m sure Chloe wouldn’t mind looking after Lilly Mae if you don’t want to I understand but there is something about you Emma that I really like. So what you say?’ I just nodded my head with a huge smile on my face I couldn’t get over how calm he was over the fact that I had a daughter. I checked myself in the mirror one time before we walked back out linking fingers.

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