Part 50

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Chloe POV

Emma and I had work this morning I had tonnes of texts from Aston (even more than Marv which took some doing) checking that Emma was okay after last night. I felt so sorry for her bless her I can't believe her Mum would say such things to try and cheer her up the girls were going to come round and have a take away, film and a general girly night. I was just sitting down at my desk as my phone went again indiacting I had another text I looked down to see it was from Ast * Sorry to keep bothering you again but how is Emma she didn't sound too good on the phone when I spoke to her earlier Ast x* I looked over at Emma who didn't look great she hadn't looked all great all morning and kept being sick but whenever I asked her if she was okay she said it was just morning sickness I didn't think anymore of it because people get it at different intensitys I was lucky and didn't get it back but I guess Emma had it bad.  I texted Aston back * Yeah she just had bad morning sickness honestly its fine you know how bad she told you she was with Lily if she gets any worse I will send her hom and text you promise x*

Aston POV

I was really worried about Emma after everything last night I really didn't want her to put stress on the baby. I felt so bad that I couldn't be there I'm probably annoying the hell out of Chloe because I keep texting her to see how Emma is because I know that Emma will say she's okay even if she isn't because she knows that I will just worry. I have just got a text from Chloe saying she just has bad morning sickness I decided to tweet *Hope my baby girl @1993Emma_ feels better later Ax* I felt a bit better knowing that Chloe said that if she looked any worse she would send her home from work. I put my phone on silent before making my way to the studio with the boys more determined than ever to get this album done so that we can go back to the UK

Emma POV

My morning sickness has been really bad today and I felt dreadful but I managed to drag myself up and get to work and take Lily to nursery. I kept getting texts from Ast asking if I was okay I said I was okay knowing that if I said I felt like crap he would be worried sick. I sat down on my chair and just got on with my work trying to take my mind off everything that went on yesterday and how sick I felt.


'Do you want a cup of tea hun?' Emma asked getting up walking over to the staff kitchen when she fainted. Chloe got up straight away grabbing her mobile calling 999. 'Emma wake up come on' she pleaded as she put her in the recovery position as the rest of the office team came in to see what the problem was they cleared the space around her as teh ambulance team came around her. After about 10 minutes of examining her one doctor said 'Okay we need to take her to hospital we can fit one person in the ambulance with us' 'You go Chloe' Emma and Chloe's boss said Chloe nodded her head making her way to the ambulance as Emma got put on the trolley into it.

On the way to the hospital the doctor started to talk to Chloe 'Miss is there any way that you know of that Emma could be pregnant?' Chloe sat there dreading what the consequences could be 'Yes she is 6 weeks nearly 7, please say the baby is going to be okay?' Chloe pleaded 'Is there a boyfriend or husband or anyone we can contact?' 'Umm I can try and get hold of Aston' 'Okay you are going to have to do that at the hospital' 'What about the baby?' Chloe asked trying to stop herself from crying 'I'm sorry we are going to do everything we can but right now our main concern is Emma I am affraid she is probably suffering a misscarriage at the moment, is there any other relations that we can get a hold of?' 'Um her Dad but he live 3 hours away.... oh crap Lily' 'Sorry?' The doctor asked  'Her other daughter Lily she is still at nursery' 'Okay well we are going to have to take Emma straight into surgery we are worried she is stuffering from internal bleeding so you can make your phone calls then?' Chloe just nodded her head praying that she would be able to get hold of everyone she needed to


Hey guys,

This part was written for the first fanfic but I was nice so put it in this one (sorry Chloe ;) ) If you could all give this fanfic a shoutout it would be amazing trying to get more readers. Also if you have a wattpad account become a fan and/or vote and give feedback please it means a lot. You can either leave me a comment in my inbox, comment below or send it to my twitter @1993Emma_ or @JLSfanfics_AOMJ xx

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