Part 36

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Aston came in the house to hear giggling coming from their living room smiling to himself he closed the door behind him walking past the living room about the leave the girls to it as he heard a conversation that he liked the sound of so listened in quietly.

Emma POV

It is so nice to catch up with the girls we invited Siobhan around too as she really seems to be getting on with Reesh and who knows where it will lead. We had been talking about everyones relationships mainly and for some reason we had got on to the topic of marriage, ‘So whose gonna be the first one of us to get married?’ Erin asked ’Chloe and Marv’ I said almost instantly looking at Chloe who was blushing bless her. Although she said something that shocked me slightly ‘Ooooh I dunno I recon you and Ast will be down that aisle sooner than us’ then Erin nodded her head in agreement before Siobhan added ’ I may not have known you lot that long but I have to agree with the girls I have seen the way he looks at you yes J loves Erin and Marv loves Chloe but Ast he has got it bad.’ There was nothing I could say I was literally speechless yes I love Ast but it just seems all a bit too soon but then I thought about being Married to him and I loved the idea of it. He is amazing with Lily, and I just thought about it and I could imagine a life with Aston definatly man he had me good. Thinking about it I realised I was grinning like a cheshire cat snapping out of my daze I noticed all the girls grinning back at me I’m guessing realising what I was thinking about. Before I could get the 50 questions from the girls I was saved by Aston coming in.

Aston POV

As Emma wasn’t replying I decided to save her. ‘Hey girls’ I said coming into the living room before going over to Emma kissing her and saying, ‘hello you, didn’t expect you in thought you would be collecting Lily’ She just looked over my shoulders at the clock as her eyes widened seeing teh time shooting up and saying, ‘sorry girls gotta pick up Lily see you tonight?’ To which all the girls replied postive as she shot out the door quickly. I just sat down and laughed ‘I guess were having take away tonight girls’ as the girls said their goodbyes and left.

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