Part 49

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Emma POV

It was now mid-evening and I was led in bed having put Lily to bed as she was beat after playing with Dad all day to be honest I was beat to it had been such an emotional day I said night to Chloe and waiting for Ast to call me on skype. I had the envelope my Dad had given me from Mum unopened I didn't know what to do. On one hand I wanted to know what she had to say because I do miss her but then on the other hand I don't see why she just couldn't come and tell me herself. My thoughts were interupted by Ast calling me on skype :

(Ast - A, Emma - E)

A - Hey baby

E - Hey Ast

A - So how did it go earlier? I wanted to call you earlier but didn't know how long he was staying

E - Its fine babe honestly. My Dad was happy for us he said as long as we are both sure about this however he came with a letter from Mum

A - Thats great babe what did the letter say?

E - Ummm

A - You haven't open it have you?

E - No I wanted to read it with you

A - Okay come on lets read it

Aston POV

'Okay come on lets read it' I said to be honest I wasn't really sure why her Mum had written her a letter why couldn't she come and tell her what she had to say to Emma's face or even call and tell her but hey lets see what she has to say. Emma lent over to the bed side table opening letter reading it to me as she read it herself.

'Dear Emma,

I guess I should say congratulations to you and Aston on your pregnancy. To say I am not happy about it is an understatment but I guess there is nothing I can do now. You had such a bright future ahead of you and now you have given it all up to be some gold digger off Aston. I am sorry if this hurts you but I want you to realise what you have given up you're only 18 for god sake. I will be a Granny to this new little one of course I will like I am to Lily but you have disspaointed me Emma


Tears were rolling down Emma's face I felt so bad that I was over here now and I couldn't  be the hugging her, kissing her, comforting her and tell her everything was going to be okay. I couldn't belive her Mum would even think anything like that to say you are dissapointed in their own Daughter to be quite frank it's disgusting I would never think of doing that to my child

A - Babe I can't believe she said that none of it is true you are amazing she's just upset she'll come around

E - But what if she doesn't Ast I thought it was going to be an apology but no its just a big kick in the teeth

She was really getting upset by this now the tears just wouldn;t stop and I had been reading in the baby book that crying to much can put stress on the baby. The idea of this got me really worried and I started to panic

A - Babe please calm down your going to put stress on the baby

E - How did you know that?

A - Been doing my research babe

E - I know I saw you pack it (with a little giggle as the tears started drying up)

A - Theres the smile I love now you have your Dad and Me and Lily and Squiggle please don't get down on this

E - I will try I think I'm going to bed now its been a hard day

A - Okay baby sleep well I will call you when you get up

We ended our call I know Emma was just putting on a brave face this made me more determined to finish the recording was quickly as possible so I could get back to my baby girl. I quickly sent a text to Chloe asking her to keep her eye on Emma and she said she would which puts my mind at ease slightly but not 100%. I then decided to go onto twitter as I had nothing else to do as I thought I would be on skype to Emma for longer. The first tweet I sent was * Some people are so stupid it makes me angry >:( wish I could be with my baby girl @1993Emma_ right now missing her so much right now Axx * before sending out another tweet *Who thinks I should do a DMing Sesh? Axx* before doing that.

Emma POV

I can't believe what my Mum wrote in that letter I am so angry and upset at the same time. I have teh right mind to stop her from seeing Lily at this rate. My eyes were hurting so much from crying so much I just pulled the covers over me fully dressed and just slept. Everything that happened today just made me miss Aston more I really need to snuggle up and cuddle in bed with him after today.

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