Part 24

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Chloe POV

Today was the day that I was dreading but at the same time excited for the boys are back for a week today. I was excited because honestly I missed him a little …. I mean I agreed to be his girlfriend then a couple of hours later he had to go on tour. I guess its something I am going to have to get used to and our unborn child. It has been on my mind all week I simply couldn’t concentrate on anything although I have been looking after Lily a bit more this week which has been a welcome distraction but today there was no distractions. When Aston had arrived I said hi then went leaving them alone as I knew how nervous Emma was about him meeting Lily and how important it was to her so I thought it would be best to leave them to it. To be honest I hated going up in my room because I was juts alone with my thoughts I kept practising how I was going to tell Marvin over and over again *Marvin I’m pregnant …. Marvin we’re having a baby……. Hey I’m knocked up….. So remember that night we slept together yeah we weren’t using protection’ erugh I GIVE UP I just couldn’t find the right way to say it . After a while I realised the time I went downstairs and took Lily for a bit so Emma could finish getting ready the next 10 or so minutes went pretty fast with me and Aston playing with Lily and talking. Although he did make one comment which really got me he told me, ‘Your so good with Lily she clearly loves you like your family’ and I had to bite my to stop the tears. Just before Emma came downstairs I heard the front door go I felt sick with nerves because I knew that it would be Marvin. After Aston and Emma we played with Lily for a bit before she fell asleep in Marvin’s arms. I couldnt help but smile at this I knew that he would be a good Dad if only he knew that he was going to be one sooner than he thought. We both went up and put Lily to bed before I ordered up both pizza. We had chosen to watch Dear John as Marvin admitted he was quite partial to a chick flick if he’s curled up with his girlfriend and I wasn’t complaining so we watched it and ate our pizza about half way through I still hadn’t told him but I suddenly felt like I was going to be sick with that I quickly leapt up and went to the bathroom. Once I had finished being sick and cleaned myself up I turned to see Marvin in the doorway looking at me concerning before coming up to me hugging me and saying, ‘Babe whats up?’ I knew that I couldn’t put off anymore and just came out with it ‘I’m pregnant’ I whispered. After a minutes silence he still hadn’t said anything he was still hugging me so I guess it wasn’t that bad but I couldn’t bare to look at his face until I heard him whisper ‘WOW’ I looked up at him and he had a huge grin on his face surely this was a good sign.

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