Part 3

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‘OMG guys you lot were totally flirting with the boys’ Erin said once they had all gone, ‘Even Jaybes picked up on it and said something to me’ Erin continued as they walked down the road to Starbucks. They ordered their drinks and found a table to sit down at as Emma said, ‘So was that Reesh giving you a kiss Abi earlier?’ Abi just blushed as Chloe said, ‘Get in there girl… So what are we going to do tonight? As in how are we getting there and getting ready?’ Chloe asked looking at Emma as she knew all the details and roughly this area. ‘Well once the concert has finished we go to the toilets and get changed and then we can walk to the train station which is two minutes away from the arena, we can do our hair and make up on the train to Swansea then off to the club to PARTY’ Emma replied and all the girls laughed. ‘I still can’t believe we met the boys finally’ Abi says with a huge grin on her face, ‘You never told us how you got Reesh to kiss you Abi’ Chloe said as they all leaned in towards her. ‘He asked me how old I was and I said 18 but only just because of it being my Birthday the other day. He then asked if I got everything I wanted and after a minutes of awkward silence I mumbled to myself that I didn’t get a kiss from him as I was looking at the ground then he lifted my chin up and kissed me. Anyway you can’t talk Chloe I saw you blates flirting with Marv and whispering something in his ear.’ Abi finished as Emma continued on to her statement, ‘Yeah what exactly did you tell him Chloe?’ with a quick wink at her causing them both to laugh. ‘I just told him that I wasn’t as bad as he thinks I am going to be when we start drinking tonight after he told Reesh to watch out of me LOL’ Chloe finished as they all looked at Erin who was holding her stomach whilst laughing, ‘Whats so funny?’ Chloe asked as Erin continued to laugh before saying, ‘You lot are such big flirts JB noticed and I told him about Chloe and Emma’s flirting’ Emma sat there and blushed before replying, ‘I have no idea what you are talking about Erin. I saw you and Jaybes hugging for like a minute whilst he was keeping you warm.’ ‘So all that winking to each other all the time then Ast biting his lip before he went back in at you then coming back out and asking us where we are sat is nothing yeah? Just conversation?’ Chloe said trying not to laugh. ‘Exactly’ Emma said trying to keep a straight face. They then all looked at each other and burst out laughing before finishing off their drinks before going to get another drink as there was still lots to talk about. An hour later they had all explained what was said between themselves and the boys before going into the centre of Cardiff to get their outfits for tonight’s after party .

Emma POV

I can’t believe we have just met JLS I mean its JLS!! I am so excited for this tour especially after Aston was teasing me saying how if I thought all the other tours were good then I would love this tour. I swear I was going to faint after talking to Aston especially after he was winking at me all the time we were talking. Then when he had to go and turned around and bit his lip well you might as well had pronounced me dead at the scene my knees went to jelly then he came back and asked us where we were sat. I never know what is going on in that boys head and I’m not going to try and start now because I will never get him LOL. Then we have the afterparty tonight which I am in desperate need of haven’t had a proper night out in ages and I have heard these after parties are really good.

Chloe POV

I swear to God if I wake up and this is all a dream I am actually going to cry because me and Marvin were totally flirting (especially me hehe ;) ) I can’t wait to hit the after party and hopefully run into them again I was in the mood to party, drink and flirt. The concert is going to be amazing tonight now I just need to find a killer outfit for tonight. It all still hasn’t sunk in properly and I don’t think it ever will.

Erin POV

I am so happy that I was right in not getting too upset on missing the boys as I knew/hoped that they would come out at some point later I just never thought it would have been that quickly. JB is unbelievably cute as well hugging me because I was cold and the banter between us was off the chain seriously especially surrounding Aston, Marvin, Emma and Chloe. SO excited for tonight as well I read interviews that the boys had taken part in and talked about tour they didn’t say what it was that they were doing but they said that they had tricks up their sleves so I want to know what they are.

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