Part 18

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Skipping a week forward to when Emma, CHloe and Lily are moving in together.

‘Thanks for the help girls couldn’t have done without you’ Chloe said as she came in with a bottle of white wine and four glasses as Emma had just put Lily down for the night. ‘Well we could have but it wouldn’t have been as much fun’ Emma said laughing as the each took a glass of wine and started having a proper catch up over the past week as with Abi and Erin back at work and Chloe and Emma moving in they hadn’t really had time to catch up after a few hours Abi said, ‘Right I better get going early shift tomorrow’ ‘Yeah me and all’ Erin said as they both got up and grabbed their things and made their way to the front door, ‘Okay text you during the week and thanks again’Emma said shutting the door behind them before walking through the living room to go upstairs and mouthed ‘night’ to Chloe as she was on the phone to Marvin.

’Wait babe I’ve got to go…. yeah speak tomorrow……night babe’ before hanging out. ‘Right you sit down there now’ CHloe ordered as she poured them another glass of wine ‘Whats all this about?’ Emma asked sitting down taking the glass of wine, ‘I’m not stupid Emma whats going on? There is something bugging you or playing on your mind what is it?’ ‘Ummm… what?’ ‘See thats exactly why I’m asking you’ve been distant all night well all day to be honest with you’ ‘Sorry nothing big just a bit worried about everything’ ‘What do you mean everything?’ Chloe asked topping up both their glasses ,’Everything moving here, new job but mainly leaving Lily for such a long time on a regular basis I have been there all day most of them time’ ‘Aww babes come here’ Chloe said getting up and giving her a hug, ‘Lily will love it a nursery, it will be hard the first few weeks for you as much as it will for Lily and she will make friends.’ ‘Yeah I suppose’ Emma smiled weakly before saying, ‘Right I’m going off to bed now after checking on Lily don’t want to be late on our first day’ ‘Yeah won’t be far behind you just need to tidy up this a bit night’ ‘Yeah night thanks aswell Chloe’ ‘No problem you know I’m here for you’ ‘Yeah you too’

Chloe POV

I’m so excited about tomorrow new job…… we’ve moved in ….. things are going well with Marv.. I just have this feeling that moving to London and getting this job is going to be the start of something big. I was worried about Emma earlier she didn;t really talk much which is so unlike her. I’m glad I talked to her though don;t want her bottling it all up and it getting to her. It’s sweet how shes so worried about leaving Lily but I see where she is coming from its a big thing for a Mother to almost let go of their child slightly even if it is just for going to nursery.

Emma POV

After everyone had gone Chloe talked to me about how she knew something was up if only she knew the half of it. Yes what I told her was true but its not everything, I mean I’m still not talking to my Mum but it keeps going round in my head is it really the best thing for my Daughter? Its a big thing and she starts recognising people now at her age I dunno if its best to bring a man into my life right about now. I mean yes me and Aston did get on amazingly well and that kiss did give me fireworks and I have butterflies just thinking about it arggghhhh why is this so difficult?

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