Part 59

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Emma POV

It is now 30th December and we have possibly had to most buisiest week in my life we have been up and down the country seeing different members of family and friends. Which I have loved its really hard now to meet up and see everyone you love when your a working Mum and Ast finds it hard to see his family and friends especially those who live outside London with his job. We had dropped Lily off at Liams earlier today since she was spending a few days with Liam and his family over New Years as I had her for Christmas it was only fair. I was also looking forward to tomorrow where Aston said that he had a suprise for us during the day before us all hitting some clubs in London with the gang in the evening. To be honest I didn't know which one I was more excited for I know Aston had been planning the day for about a week now as he put it perfection takes time whatever that meant. On the other hand it had been ages since I have had a proper night out plus I would get to see the New Year in with Ast. I was so excited to see what 2013 had in store for us recently I have found myself looking at our future especially since the miscarriage. If I am at work with a rare minute or two free my mind automatically goes to mine and Aston's future with us having children or us getting married. I haven't told him about any of this as I don't want to freak him out since we have only been going out for just under a year but hopefully soon.

Aston POV

I am so excited for the new year I had so much planned for the year ahead not just with the boys but with my personal life. Obviously their will be the tour and new music with the boys which as always I am looking forward to but next year is going to be bigger for my personal life. We plan to get the work on our house that I got Emma for Christmas started and hopefully completed by the end of the year so we can have Christmas next year in our new house but I also plan to propose to Emma this year. I have had the ring since me and the boys went over the the US the boys are all in on it I didn't want to risk Emma or lily May finding the ring so I have told my parents the plan and they have the ring. I told them the other day when I went to see them I was originally keeping the ring in my wardrope but Emma has becoming acustemed to going in there for one of my hoodies to wear so I took it and left it there when we went up there together the other day. I had an amazing few days planned if I might say so myself for us. I really wanted to show Emma how much she meant to me and to end this year and start next year in a good way. It seems strange to think less than a year ago I was out partying most nights getting with girls who I can't remember their names the next day and now I've got myself a steady girlfriend and her amazing daughter.

Sorry I have been slacking at posting I have been so busy with all my college work and UCAS at the moment posting as often as I can though xx

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