Part 30

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A couple of days later ……

*Aston POV*

Its been a couple of days since the whole Abi drama things still weren’t 100%. I think the tour has been a welcome distraction for Reesh it really hit him hard I know what he is going through as I was cheated on when I was younger he knows if he wants to talk to me or any of us guys he can. The whole situation has put stress on our relationships as everyone was shocked about it I know Marv is really worried about Chloe getting stressed and upset about it especially now she is pregnant as it isn’t good for the baby. JB is finding it hard because Erin is so upset because her and Abi were really close and all he wants to do is go and hug her and comfort her but he can’t because we are on tour. Then there’s me I am worried sick, Emma is putting up a front I feel she is hiding behind the fact that she has been called that and worse when everyone first found out that she was pregnant with Lily but I think she is trying to be strong. Our conversations are becoming shorter and we aren’t texting as much and whenever I mention the whole Abi thing she either changes the subject or hangs up or doesn’t reply. Tomorrow we have a day off so I plan to go to London for the day and see her because it just doesn’t seem okay

*Emma POV*

A lot has happened in a matter of a few day the whole Abi situationI still can’t believe it. Me and Ast haven’t really talked that much because he always bring it up and to be honest with you the whole situation is the least of my worries. The day after I got a phone call from my Dad saying that some guy had turned up asking where I was. When I asked who it was as soon as I heard the name Liam I started stressing. Liam is Lily’s Dad I haven’t seen him since I told him I was pregnant that was the day that he went to Afghanistan. I had to see him so I got Dad to give him our address he came yesterday and met Lily. Chloe knows obviously but I have got her to swear not to tell anyone else until I have got my own head around it. I mean he says that he is back now and is not in the army any more he wants to be a part of Lily’s life. I am not sure about it 100% as he never even tried to keep in contact but I know that I don’t want Lily to be without a Dad either. I have said that we can meet up a more often and see how it goes from there. I have told him that I have a boyfriend and he says that he understands and will stay away from me in that sense but I have to tell Ast I just don’t know how to. AS I sat there thinking about it jhe called

*Phone call*

A - Hey babe

E - Hey hows you?

A - Good thanks getting tired though day off tomorrow though

E - Make sure you rest tomorrow and you know what you could do to stop getting you could texting me until gone midnight (giggling)

A - I am coming to see you tomorrow and I don;t think I could do that

E - Aww babe you don’t have to

A - I know but I want to see my girlfriend especially since I know you are not working

E - Okay I need to tell you something

A - Baby whats wrong you can tell me now if you want

E - No honestly its fine I just want to tell you about Lily’s Dad

A - ooh Okay will see you tomorrow then baby

E - Okay can’t wait I will be at home all day so come round whenever

A - COol will see you about lunch time then I will grab Nandos?

E - Sure thing bye babe

A - Bye gorgous

Thats it now he knows that I want to tell him about Lily’s Dad I hope this means that we can go back to normal now

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