Part 62

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'So you excited for Cardiff?' Marvin asked Aston it was Sunday evening and the boys had just finished their show in Glasgow and were heading to Edinburgh where they were staying the night . They were now in their second leg of their tour they saw their families for a couple for days at the end of January but apart from that they had hardly seen each other. It was hitting them all pretty hard but it was really hitting Aston he was always the softie of the group.  'Of course you would be too if you hadn't seen your girl for over 3 weeks now' Aston replied smiling at the thought of seeing Emma they had been skyping and everything all the time but nothing beats seeing each other in person. 'Have you talked to Emma's Dad about proposing?' JB asked as the boys knew that he was planning on doing it soon. They had discussed it with him when they were over in LA and he first got the ring and he said that he would see how their relationship was because lets face it her relationship with her Parent's wasn't exactlu the best.

Aston POV

'Haver you talked to Emma's Dad about proposing?' JB asked me I guess I just zoned out as the next thing I knew Marvin was tipping a glass of cold water over my head causing me to gasp from the shock. I was going through everything in my head it finally sunk in that very soon I could be engaged to Emma the thought made me so happy. Then I started to think about asking Emma's Dad I was unsure until now about calling him to ask his permission but I thought about if some guy was going to ask my Daughter to marry her I would like to think that they would ask my permission. 'Sorry guys' I said feeling myself blush as I grabbed by phone off the table and went to the bunks to call Emma's Dad

*phone convo*

A- Aston S - Emma's Dad

S- Hello?

A - Hi Steve its Aston

S - Oh hi what do I owe this phonecall is Emma and Lily MAy alright?

A - Yeah they are fine

S - Good why do you sound so nervous then?

A- errrr well I was calling to ask you something

S - Sure go ahead

A - I am asking your permission to ask your Daughter to marry me

S - oh well this is unexpected. I knew you were getting serious after what you got her for Christmas and Lily really likes you and you seem to have a really good bond with her. I just didn't really realise it was at that stage I mean you haven't even known each other that long either.

A - I know but with all your respect Steve I really and truley love your daughter and Lily with all my heart I would never dream of hurting them and I would go to the end of the world to stop anything happening to them. I knew we haven't known each other for that long but marriage is not something I would even contemplate if I wasn't being deadly serious I take it very serious. I have never thought about this with anyone else Emma is the girl I want to be with for the rest of my life I want to have everything with her.

S - Are you sure about this?

A - Never been so sure about anything in my life

S - Well then I give you permission and I appreciate you calling me and asking not many people would do that now a days. However if you do anything to hurt either Emma or Lily May I will be hunting you down and getting some answers

A - Understood and thank you so much

S- Thats alright talk soon

A - Yeah bye

I let out a sigh of relief before jumping off the bed and punching the air and shouting 'Yes' at the top of my lungs causing the boys of laugh and shout congratulations as I went back to join them with a grin plastered over my face which will definatley not be removed from my face any time soon.

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