Part 2

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(I know I said that they haven’t met each other face to face before but I have changed it so that they have but only the once)

They all crowded over the camera and looked to see Aston, Marvin, JB and Oristé in the picture they all smiled and turned around with a chorus of ‘O…M…..JLS’ causing the boys to laugh. They all got the pictures with each of them individually then got one of their security guards to take a big group one of all of them together then getting them to sign their CDs they had brought with them and their tops. They then split into couples almost with Emma with Aston, Chloe with Marvin, Abi with Oristé and Erin with JB. They all started talking to each other and bantering around before the body guard told them they had to go and rehearse so they all gave each other a kiss on the cheek causing all 4 girls to laugh. As they went back into the arena Aston ran back, ‘So I forgot to ask where are you girls sitting tonight?’ ‘Block 5’ Erin replied smiling as he ran back to catch the rest of the guys up.

Emma and Aston’s convo

‘OMG I can’t actually believe this’ Emma said trying to hold back the tears from here she was so happy. ‘Babe calm down I take it those are happy tears’ giving her a hug ‘Yeah. I nearly met you nearly a year ago but you were pushed to the back of Nandos but your bodyguard. I was gutted you touched my hand and I got a pic with Reesh and Jaybes (she says getting her phone out and showing Aston the pictures) but not with you or Marv I was happy but gutted at the same time. Did I mention I love you?’ This made Aston laugh ‘Aww gutted I didn’t meet you babe but we’re making up for it now aren’t we? And No you didn’t mention it but I kinda guessed bearing in mind you haven’t stopped hugging me all the time’ ‘Sorry’ Emma said stepping away slightly. ‘Not a problem babe so you excited for tonight?’ pulling her in for a hug rubbing her arm with his thumb slowly ‘Excited? That’s not even the word Ast I been to every tour and just when I think you can’t get any better you pull it out of the bag.’ ‘Thanks babe glad you enjoy the shows you just wait for this one’ ‘Confident are we?’ ‘You tweet me after and tell me I’m wrong if you think I am’ ‘Okay I will’ Emma said giving a cheeky little wink. ‘So I forgot to ask your name babe’ ‘Emma’ ‘Oh nice name it suits you’ Aston replied giving her a cute smile. ‘So you ready to party hard at the after party tonight?’ He asked hoping that she was going ‘Yeah obviously wouldn’t miss out on a party. Love a drink or ten get into the party mood then dance the night away with my girls’ ‘Ha that’s what I like a girl who likes to party’ ‘Boys, You have rehearsals now’ Aston heard their bodyguard say, ‘I’ve got to go now babe but it was nice finally meeting you looking forward to seeing ’ Aston said giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before biting down on his lip then walking off and waving as he look back at Emma trying not to faint on the account of the fact that it had just sunk in that she had just met JLS and talked to Aston for like 5 minutes.

Chloe and Marvin Convo

‘So what’s your name babe?’ Marvin asked giving her a hug, ‘Chloe’ she replied with a smile. ‘So is this the first time you are coming to see us or have you seen us before’ ‘Nope this is my first time I haven’t been able to get any tickets to the past tours back home but Emma managed to get us all tickets for here so we came here’ ‘Aww that’s a shame but I’m glad you could make it to this tour man I love this part of my job’ ‘What part?’ Chloe asked as Marvin realised what he had said, ‘ummm nothing’ replied going all shy, ‘No go on’ Chloe said nudging him in the torso, ‘meeting all our beautiful fans’ this caused Chloe to blush ‘Soo you coming to the afterparty?’ Marvin asked shyly, ‘You’re kidding right?’ Chloe said laughing flirtily ‘No’ Marvin said slightly taken aback ‘I’m joking Marv of course we are going not gonna miss out on the big JLS party now are we’ Marvin let out a slight sigh of relief as Chloe said that, ‘We’re gonna have to keep our eye on you tonight if your any more cheeky than this when you have a drink in you.’ ‘You have no idea’ Marv looked at her then over to Reesh, ‘Yo Reesh we are gonna have to keep our eye on this one tonight okay.’ Chloe then stood on her tip toes and whispered into his ear, ‘I’m not that bad honest’ ‘Well we will find out tonight won’t we’ Marvin replied laughing and giving a little wink. ‘Boys, You have rehearsals now’ Marvin heard their bodyguard say, ‘Look I’ve got to go but it was nice meeting you babe and I will see you later’ before running back into the arena as Chloe let out a small yet extremely high pitched scream of excitement.

Abi and Reesh’s convo

‘Whats your name sweetheart?’ ‘Abi’ ‘Nice to meet you sweetheart how old are you?’ ’18 but only just it was my Birthday the other day’ ‘Oh well Happy Birthday for the other day hope you got everything you wanted’ ‘well….. umm…...’ ‘Go on what were you going to say?’ Oristé asked with a slight hint of concern in his voice. ‘Well I really wanted a kiss from you but I didn’t get that’ Abi said looking down to the ground but then Reesh lifted her chin up and gave her a quick peck on the lips ‘There we go now you have had everything you wanted for your Birthday’ Abi just stood there and blushed. ‘Tha….’ Abi got interrupted by Marvin saying, , ‘Yo Reesh we are gonna have to keep our eye on this one tonight okay’ which caused them both to laugh. ‘That’s our Chloe’ Abi said trying to stop laughing, ‘bit of a nightmare when she drinks is she?’ Reesh replied still laughing too, ‘You have no idea the last time we met up Chloe and Emma got so drunk they were dancing and flirting all night long it was soo funny.’ This caused them to both laugh again then they were interrupted by the bodyguard telling them they needed to go so Reesh gave her another kiss on the cheek before saying, ‘Nice to meet you sweetheart and hopefully see you later’ before going back into the arena.

Erin and JB’s convo

JB starting laughing as soon as they got together ‘whats so funny?’ Erin asked, ‘Look at those three they are totally flirting with each other especially those two with Marv and Ast’ JB replied which caused them both to laugh, ‘Yeah Emma and Chloe are the biggest flirts ever’ ‘So you know my name is JB I need to know your name’ ‘Erin’ Erin replied simply ‘Nice name babe’ ‘Thanks I like it’ Erin started shivering as she was getting a bit cold as the wind picked up, ‘Bit cold are we?’ JB asked seeing the goosebumps appearing over her arms, ‘Yeah it is a bit’ ‘Come here’ JB said giving her a hug and moving his arms up and down to warm her up, ‘Better?’ JB asked after a minute of hugging, ‘Yes thank you. You are soo sweet’ Erin replied blushing a bit ‘Aww thank you babe you’re sweet yourself so what you looking forward to the most tonight then?’ JB asked, ‘Probably Love You More and Proud as they mean so much to me as there is so much meaning behind those songs and everyone can relate to them’ ‘Aww they are mine too love performing them’ they were interrupted by the bodyguard telling them they needed to go , ‘I’ve got to go now but we might see you a little bit later if you are coming to the afterparty and we will look for you in the audience’ JB said giving her a hug ‘Yeah sure will look forward to it’ Erin replied as all four boys went inside the arena.

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