Part 33

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Emma POV

A lot has happened in the past few months……..

Chloe was now half way through her pregnancy and was definitely glowing with her bump growing every day. Marvin has been brilliant being there every step of the way not missing a scan or anything. They even felt the baby kick a couple of weeks ago. It happened when everyone was round and Mine and Ast’s house (yeah will get to that bit in a minute :) ) anyway Chloe felt it kick we all let them have their moment before all getting in on the act. It did make me a bit sad as it reminded me of being pregnant and having all these experiences without someone being there for me to share them with. Aston knew that it was hard for me and was really supportive squeezing my hard and kissing my head and then we talked about it after which made me feel a lot better. Their relationship is going from strength to strength and were due to move in together with each other in a couple of weeks time.

As for Reesh he was still single the Abi thing hit him very hard as soon as tour was finished he was out all hours of the night getting with girls and not remembering what happened the night before. However more recently he has been seeing a girl called Siobhan who seems very nice only met her a couple of times. He says that they are ‘dating’ as it is early days and he is worried about rushing into things again since Abi so nothing has been confirmed to the press yet but who knows it could go somewhere.

Erin and JB have become a really cute couple they are truly best friends and partners. They have their usual banter which they have had from the start to be fair normally at Ast’s expense but hey its funny ;) They haven’t moved in together or anything yet just going on dates and taking things well lets face it slow compared to Me and Ast and Chloe and Marvin but I suppose to everyone else it is normal. They are going to take their first holiday together soon when the boys are on a break in a couple of months time which is sweet to Spain for a week. They asked me if me, Ast and Lily wanted to go but we thought it would ruin their first holiday experience with a 1 year old tagging along.

Talking of Lily she is now 1 I still can’t believe it myself she is growing up so fast. She has been seeing Liam a lot recently and in the past few weeks having full days with him and started calling him Daddy much to Liam’s delight. Liam to fair to him has definitely stepped up to the responsibility of being a Parent and started paying Child support and everything. LIly is also getting on well with Aston which I am really pleased about as I was worried about that when Ast asked us to move in but it all is good so now worries

As for me and Aston our relationship has got stronger ever since that day when I told him everything about Liam and we said to each other ‘I Love You.’ A couple of weeks after he got back from tour he asked me to move in with him it started off as a trail basis which we would change if Lily didn;t like it but luckily she did so we’ve stayed. We’ve had our little arguments like most couples but we can;t stay mad at each other for more than a couple of hours tops and one of us or normally both of us end up apologising to each other. Next weekend we are going to Peterborough to meet Ast’s family which I am so nervous about. Aston said that they will love me and Lily but if they don;t he doesn’t care because he loves me which is dead sweet but I know he does really care.

Then as far the boy’s careers were getting stronger every day. Once tour had finished they announced a summer tour which would be happening in the next two months it wasn’t a big tour but its always nice to go on the road again. Ast and Marv did soccer aid which was a big success and England won and last week it was the Queen’s Jubilee Bank Holiday and they performed for the fricking Queen even Camilla was singing along hopefully this has given the boys the boost they need to international success. This made me so proud to see how far they have come since UFO

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