Part 55

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It has been a couple of months now since Emma suffered the misscarriage, Christmas was just around the corner and things were finally getting back to normal. They had Lily living back home and her visits to Liam's were become more regular with her going to his every other weekend. The boys recorded the rest of the album back in the UK and it did really well in the charts aswell as teh single doing really well. In November it was Emma's birthday they kept it pretty low key with them just having people around their house having a movie night in before turning it into a little drinking games party to which Emma got mortal and a bit worse for wear but after a lot of sleep and TLC from both Aston and Lily it was okay. Emma and Aston occassionaly had bad days where they got upset about the misscarriage but they would sit down and talk about it.

Chloe was now nearly 8 months pregnant now and looked like she was going to pop anyday. Marv was there all the time making sure that she didn't so anything basically it bugged her some of the time but she knew he was only doing it out of love. It was now just a big waiting game now, everything was ready for their arrival down to what outfit it would be wearing out of the hospital. All the boys went round one day and helped out paiting and assembling the nursery. They decided to leave it a suprise for knowing what sex teh baby was so everything was cream, white or yellow making it suitable for whatever sex teh baby is.

JB and Erin moved from JBs flat that they moved into originally and moved into a nice little flat in Chelsea which suited them better. Apart from that their relationship was going on steadily obviously having the odd little argument here and there but nothing out of the normal for relationships. Reesh and Siobhan's relationship was coming on nicely too with them doing the whole meeting the Parent's for the first time the other week which went really well. The boys have even now got a bet on how long it is going to take for Reesh to ask her to move it but it all was good bants.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but there will another part in a bit :) Also voting for the next fanfic has closed and winning by 9 votes the new fanfic after this one will be Invisible x

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