Part 22

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Aston POV

I am so excited for today it was the start of our mini-break from tour I was so hyper on excitement I was up at 8am I know right whats up with that? No one else was up so I decided to load up twitter and DM some fans to pass the time before having a quick look down the timeline seeing the word tattoo and automatically reading the tweet Getting my new tattoo today FINALLY then looking to see whos tweet it was just in case I knew them or whatever and saw it was Emma’s tweet. I swear this girl gets more perfect for me every day with this I decided to text her So whats this about a new tattoo? Ast xx PS Looking forward to tonight ;) After about half an hour I still hadn’t got a reply normally I would start getting worried that she wasn’t interested or something had happened to her but I just thought she would be with Lily. Its weird if someone told me I would end up going on a date with an 18 year old JLSter who already has a daughter tonight I would have though someone was having a laugh but its different with Emma its just hard to explain its weird but a good weird. Every time I thought about Lily though I wanted to know more after that morning at Breakfast when she broke down I didn’t really ask any more questions I always asked Emma how she was etc but nothing about her Dad and what the situation was with him. I wanted to know in a way so I knew the situation as I really hope we can have a relationship if this date goes well but I don’t want to ask her about it. Firstly because I don’t want her to think that I’m being rude and poking my nose in her business, secondly because I didn’t want to make her cry it breaks my heart seeing any girl cry especially someone who I am really beginning to care for. I was really hoping she would enjoy our date I had it all planned out so that I would pick her up from hers at 8 so that she could put Lily to bed then I had booked a area of Tempo (Italian restaurant on Mayfair) I know Mayfair may seem a bit to posh for a first date but I really wanted to make a good impression. I had already called the restaurant and they had agreed to let us through the kitchen so that we could avoid the paparazzi. I honestly hoped she was looking forward to it as much as I am.

Emma POV

I was in such as rush this morning with Lily and getting ready for her going to her nursery visit I had totally forgot to check my phone when I got up. So once I had dropped Lily off I checked my phone then deciding to do some housework to get my mind off being away from Lily. I had ones new text from Aston I opened it and read it So whats this about a new tattoo? Ast xx PS Looking forward to tonight ;) I chuckled to myself before replying Ha maybe? What are you my stalker? ;) Yeah Im looking forward to tonight too, Sorry for the late reply was taking Lily to nursery Emxxx It then clicked that he must have seen my tweet that I did in the early hours of this morning before I dozed back to sleep. Twitter is the perfect stalking device haha are you okay? Reli? Astxxx Aww he was so cute he knew how I was feeling about putting Lily in nursery with that I replied realising I really wanted this to go somewhere and I was gonna put it on the line and ask him to meet Lily today. I had been thinking about it for the past few days really and I had come to the decision that if someone is going to be in my life that they have to accept and meet Lily too. We come as a pair. With this thought I replied to Aston’s text Its hard ngl but its getting easier :) Anyway I was wondering if you would like to Lily I understand if you don’t want to but if anything goes further I really do want you to meet her Emxxx I press send before I could fully think about what I had just asked him much to my suprise I got a reply instantly Yeah I would love that babe Astxxx Im so glad you agreed it really means a lot what time do you get back to London? Em xxx Umm about half an hour :D and I feel honoured to have the chance to meet her Ast xx Well I’m getting my tattoo in an hours time then getting Lily how about you just come round about 7 then you can meet her then I can put her to bed then we can go from mine/. Emx xx Sounds good really excited to meet her :D What you getting for your tattoo then? Astxxx Nice try Ast what did I tell you the other week? ;) Emxx * I will find out tonight whether you like it or not anyway I’m back now :D Will see you two later good luck with the tat Astxxx* Okay and thanks Emxxx

Man I was being so cheeky with him but I can’t help it we are just flirty with each other I guess we were from the first time we met I guess and we haven’t stopped. I quickly tided up the house before going to the tattoo parlour and getting my tattoo done I decided to get one that I had wanted for ages. I had Lily-Mae and 06-04-11 tattooed on my left shoulder blade not going to lie it looked so nice and now I have a piece of Lily everywhere I go (Heres the tattoo just change name/D.O.B )

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