Part 37

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‘Hello …. again’ Aston smiles as he kisses Emma as she came in the door ‘Yeah hello’ she replied putting Lily down as she crawled off. As Emma started to walk off into the kitchen Aston stopped her by pulling her into a hug, ‘Were getting a take away tonight, the girls and I decided after you sped off’ ‘Hmm okay I feel bad though’ ‘Don’t its fine it means we don’t have as much washing up to do after our last attempt to wash up together’ Aston laughed as he remembered the last time they did the washing up together……..


Emma and Aston had just moved in together and they had decided to ask everyone round for a meal and movie night. Everyone else had gone about 10 and once Emma had put Lily to bed as she had fallen asleep in her arms they did the washing up together. ’ Aston you’ve gone and wet yourself you really should get some self control at your age’ Emma laughed as Aston looked down falling for it ‘NO I don’t ’ he laughed back ‘oh my bad better sort that mistake then’ Emma replied smirking as she cupped some of the washing up water in her hand and splashing it all over Aston’s crotch before falling to the floor with laughter ‘Right this is war as he grabbed a glass filling it up and pouring it over her as she screamed and moved. They continued this water fight all over the kitchen leaving the floor and themselves soaked. ‘Okay trus baby’ ‘Hmm one more’ Emma laughed as she poured the last glass over his head ‘Right that’s it’ Aston said picking Emma up and throwing her up over his shoulders and taking her to the bedroom and lets say things got heated very quickly ;)

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