Part 51

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Chloe POV

I got to the hospital as Emma was taken staright into surgery I was so worried about her I thought I would try and get hold of Liam first to sort Lily out for the next few days as I was told that she would need to be kept in a couple of days. On the way there the doctor examined Emma further and did confirm that she has had a misscarriage my heart just ached for her so much she has only jsut found out and now it has been taken away from her. I called Liam first lukily he answered after a couple of rings I didn't want to explain anything as I didn't know if Emma and Aston had even told Liam that she was pregnant so I just told him that she had internal bleeding and was in surgery he agreed straight away to having Lily and said to keep him updated and he can have Lily as long as Emma needs him too. Then I had to do the hard job of calling Ast knowing that it would absolutley break him before I could talk myself out of it I dialled his number.

Aston POV

We were in the studio just finishing off the last bits when I heard my phone going off I stretched my neck to see who was calling when I saw it was Chloe I raced to the phone picking it up immediatly. I couldn't hear a word that she was saying it all just came out was one big mumble, 'Chloe calm down whats going on is it Emma? Whats going on?' As I started to panik causing the boys to look at me a come over.' Ast you need to come back NOW' 'Why? Whats going on Chloe?' 'Emma is in hospital' My heart just sank I don't know whats going on up I started loading up my laptop to get the next flight home 'Why? Please say everything is okay with the baby' I said with desperation in my voice nothing can happen to our baby. 'I'm so sorry Aston.... ' 'No, No, Chloe you have it wrong' I interupted her as the tears started falling. I guess Marvin knew something wasn't right as he started booking me a flight for an hours time as Reesh and JB put their hands on my shoulders 'I'm so sorry Aston' Chloe whispered 'I'm on my way tell Emma I will be there soon there is a flight in an hours time' I hung up the phone and started to break down 'Whats wrong mate?' Reesh asked squezing my shoulder  'Emma has had a misscarriage I don't really know whats gone wrong or why I need to go back' I said drying the tears I needed to be strong for Emma, Lily and everyone. 'I'm sorry' they all said 'Look I need to go lads I will record my bits back home when everything is sorted' 'Ast bruv take your time just get the essentials we will bring your stuff back just send our love yeah? ' Marvin said giving me a weak smile which I tried to return but grabbing my bag and getting straight in a Taxi heading to the airport.

Emma POV

I woke up in a strange area not knowing where I was I tried to sit up but instantly felt faint so I led back down. Before I could do anything I heard a door open and a doctor  say 'Good to see you awake Miss Warren' Good to see me awake what was they on about? Then it all came back to me I was feeling dreadful went to get a drink then I just blanked out. 'What happened? My baby? Aston? Lily?' 'Miss Warren please try and calm down. You had some internal bleeding that we have managed to sort out but you will have to take it easy for the next few days. As for your baby but I am sorry you had a misscarriage which was caused by the internal bleeding. I am so sorry I will give you some time alone then send your friend Chloe in if you want' 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' I screamed as the doctor left the tears flow at a rapid rate. My baby, mine and Aston's baby is gone what have I done to deserve this? Chloe came running in the next minute pulling me into a big hug which caused me to cry even more seeing her pregnant made it worse seeing that she has what I don't have anymore 'A...A...Aston and Lily?' is all I could get out as I started choking on my own tears. 'Aston is on his way back his flight is well he will be boarding now and Lily is with Liam for a couple of days. I am so sorry Emma' 'My baby Chloe is gone' 'I know I'm so sorry' I just pulled me legs up to my chest even though it hurt in hugged my knees and cried as I started to mourn the loss of mine and Aston's baby as reality sunk in.


Hey guys,

Just to say sorry in advanced but I will probably struggle to post the next week because I am working a 63 hour week then JLS a week tomorrow eeeeeeppppppp so excited hehe. I will try and post one part during the week but I am not promising anything. For anyone who has me on twitter if you RT the link I iwll give you a shoutout :D I am also now doing One Shots so if people want one just comment or tweet me

Emma x

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