Part 44

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Oriste POV

I am really looking forward to going over to LA to get the rest of teh album recorded and sorted although it is going to be wierd thouhgt because it is the first time where we are going over and all leaving someone we love at home. I mean even though me and Siobhan haven’t been together that long its still gonna suck not seeing her. Then theres the boys with Emma, Chloe and Erin who have been together for more than 6 months now. Hopefully we will settle in tomorrow then just hit the studio because our managment have said that once we have done the recording and everything and are happy with it we can leave and go home which I guess is a big insentive especially for Marv.

Marvin POV

I felt so bad leaving Chloe back in the UK even if she is staying with Emma and Lily for the week at Ast’s place. I mean I offered her to come over with us but when we constulted the doctor at our 6 months scan they suggested it wouldn’t be the best for her or the baby as it is a long flight over to LA. I am so excited for this album I have a feeling its going to be the best one yet. Us recording is the start of a really exciting year I suppose with Ast proposing, I’m going to be a Dad and Erin and JB are getting on so well and now Reesh is finally taken it is like we are all growing up.


I am buzzing for LA so excited to get out there and finish off our album although I am going to miss Erin like crazy especially as I asked her to move in last night after I took her out for dinner. It just seemed the right thing to do as we have basically been spending every night together at one of ours over the past month or so. Its not like I am going to propose anytime soon as I think it is to early for us but we have finally said I Love You to each other which was amazing nowI cant stop saying it to her.

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