Part 39

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‘I am taking you out tonight’ Aston said as he walked into the house and put his stuff in the hall before coming into the living room picking Lily up in the process giving her a kiss before going over to Emma and kissing her too. ‘Hmm hello to you too’ Emma giggles before continuing ‘and are you?’ ‘Indeed I am Miss Warren since trouble here is at her Dad’s for the weekend and I go to the USin a couple of days I am making the most of having you around and to myself’ Aston said tickiling Lily causing her to sqirm and sqeel before he put her down as she continued to play with her dolls house. ‘Oh is that right? And where do you think you are taking me exactly?’ ‘Now that would be telling’ ’So how am I meant to choose what to wear, how to have my hair or anything’ Emma questions as they moved into Lily’s room to pack the last things for her trip to Liam’s. ‘Now that is the best part of this you don’t need to worry about that as I am doing everything’ Aston smiled at her as Emma looked at him nervously ‘Everything?’ ‘Yes baby everything! Make up, hair, clothes and shoes. Don’t look so worried baby you can trust me’ ‘Hmmmm’ Emma replied as the door bell rang. ‘Okay here is everything is in there if you need anything just give me a call’ Emma said to Liam as they stood in the hallway. ‘Okay thanks I’m really glad you have agreed to this Emma also can I say something else?’ Liam asked ‘Yeah sure’ ‘Okay I just wanted to say I don’t want any awkwardness between us you have Aston and I fully respect that’ he continued as he looked at Aston ’ Also thanks mate I know you haven’t been around for long but Emma and Lily both deserve happiness even if it isn’t with me’ ‘Thanks mate’ Aston says ‘Right we better be off say bye to Mummy and Aston’ Liam says as she hugs Aston then gives a huge hug and kiss to Emma before Liam picks her up and puts her in the car before going off. ‘Right go and have a shower then leave the rest to me’ Aston smirked ‘Erugh I hate you for this’ Emma laughed going upstairs as Aston shouted back ‘Love You Too’

Aston POV

I decieded to take Emma out tonight after all I was going away in a couple of days time and with LIly being with Liam it would be nice to do something with just us two. It would also be Lily’s first time Liam and I knew Emma would be freaking out over it so it would be a nice distraction for her. I told Emma I was going to do everything I had managed to get a few make up tips from our stylist at work today so hopefully it wouldnt go to badly. I wanted to show her that she could trust me for starters and secondly how beautiful she looks with natural make up. I was going to go for the whole no make up thing but I knew she would kill me so I had to settle for this. Emma POV As soon as I had walked out our en-suite I was greeted by Aston who rapidly put a blindfold on me I was already in my underwear that Ast had put out for me. I could feel him starightening my hair and then spinning me around so I couldn’t see myself in the mirror. This was teh part I was dreading him doing my make up I could feel him brushing my face with all these brushes. Aston just carried on even after my continous moaning he just laughed. Once I heard him zip up what I assume is a dress and slip on some shoes I was finally allowed to look at myself in the mirror. I didnt think Ast had it in him my make up was lovely ( and he had done my hair straight like I like it . As for the dress it was beautiful ( then I had my silver strappy stiletoe heels on. I then looked at Ast who looked lovely as usual he was wearing

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