Part 31

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Emma woke up extra early that day and tidied the whole house as a way of distraction to try and stop thinking about having to tell Aston everything about Liam. She was really worried about how he would take it. As now if Liam keeps his promise and stays around they would be seeing a lot more of each other. Chloe is going to be out with Marvin today as they were going out to Lunch with both their families so they could get to know each other a lot better so it would just be Emma, Aston and Lily in the house.

*Aston POV*

I got up early this morning and headed straight to Emma’s I was in two minds about today. I am glad that she wants to talk about it because I have wanted to know for a while now but then again I don’t want this to come between our relationship. I hate to admit it especially as I don’t know how today will end up but I have fallen for Emma and hard.


Aston knocked at the door as he got to Emma’s and Chloe answered the door letting him in before calling Emma ‘Em Ast’s here for you’ Emma ran down the stairs as fast as she could before leaping into Aston’s open arms before they shared a sweet kiss ‘I didn’t expect you this early babe’ Emma said as they went through to the kitchen ‘Well I though I’d surprise you’ As they got their teas and sat down on the sofa Emma knew she had to tell Aston about Liam now. ‘Ast?’ ‘Yeah’ he replied as they were cuddled on the sofa ‘Can I talk to you about Lily’s Dad now’ Emma asked as she got out of Aston’s grip and sat up to face him ‘Of course you can and anything else you want to talk about’ Aston replied smiling at her. ’Okay well I met Liam .. Lily’s Dad at school we never really spoke until the end of Year 11 ball. We went to and after party and got drunk and ended up sleeping together.’ At this point Emma started to cry ‘Its okay baby take your time’ Aston reassured her before she carried on ‘We carried on seeing each other for a couple of weeks then I realised I was pregnant I put off telling him then he broke the news that he was going to Afghanistan in the army so I eventually told him just before he left. He never bothered to get in touch or find out about anything until the other day where he turned up at my Parents house. I met up with him and he’s back now and wants to be a part of Lily’s life and I need to let him she needs to have her Dad in her life I’m sorry Ast’ Emma cried harder as Aston pulled her into his chest ‘ey come here silly I understand. this doesn’t change us though’ ‘No it doesn’t’

* Astons POV*

I can’t believe what a dickhead that guy had been not even bothering with her until now. I do understand that Emma wants Lily to have a Dad and as long as it doesn’t come between us I don’t care. She said ‘No it doesn’t’ when I said that it doesn’t change us I know its early days but I had to do it I leant in and kissed her passionately as she returned the kiss. As we pulled away I whispered on her lips those magic three words ‘I Love You’

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