Part 48

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Emma woke up in the morning and started packing Lily's things into her bag ready for her to go to Emma's Dad then went downstairs to have breakfast only to see Chloe already wide awake at the table having her breakfast. 'Morning' Chloe said as Emma sat down 'Morning hun can;t sleep?' Emma questioned 'Nope been up half the night a certain little baby kept me up kicking me all night' Chloe giggled stroking her bump which was pretty big by now 'Yeah but it's all worth it at the end' Emma smiled 'Yep it will be oh and I was thinking maybe I could take Lily to the park for an hour or so when your Dad gets here so that it gives you two time to talk?' Chloe suggested knowing that Emma and her Dad really did need to talk. 'I suppose I am dreaading talking to him' Emma said sinking down in the chair next to Chloe 'I know you are hun but at the end of the day he's your Dad and your baby's Gramps and Lily's Gramps so he will come around' Chloe said reassuring before getting up to have a shower.

An hour later the girls were sat in the living room Lily playing with her toys and Emma and Chloe having a cuppa when teh doorbell went. Chloe got up to answer it before shouting 'Emma your Dad's here.' Emma instantly feeling sick from the thought of what her Dad was going to say to her. 'Graaaaammmmmm' Lily screamed running towards Emma's Dad as he saw him. Emma's Dad picked up Lily and spun her around causing her to Lily as Chloe put her shoes on and grabbed Lily's bag as Emma's Dad put her down. He then came over to Emma giving her a hug 'Hello stranger' he laughed as Emma let out a sigh of relief. 'Right come on Lily lets go and feed the ducks at the park' Chloe said smiling at Emma as she put Lily's shoes on and they went out. ' Coffee Dad?' Emma said walking into teh kitchen. 'Yeah please' . After a normal catch up on everything work, Lily, Living in London etc Emma's Dad got to 'the subject' ..

'I can't believe my baby is having another baby' He said smiling causing Emma to start crying 'Aww Em don't cry ' 'Sorry' Emma sniffled trying to stop crying 'It's just I thought you were going to be mad ordissapointed in me' 'Emma I could never be dissapointed in you I am just happy if you are. Your Mother on the other hand is going to take some talking to' He said wiping her tears. 'Well don't expect it to be me I'm still not going to talk to her' Emma said bluntly not bothering to look into her Dad's eyes knowing that if she did he would see how much hurt she was in about not talking to her Mum but refusing to give in and speak to her at the same time. 'Yeah we both thought that although your Mum isn't estatic about the idea of you having another baby at a young age she does still love you and she wanted you to read this' Emma's Dad at the same point Lily came running into the Living room jumping on her Dad as Emma tried to compose herself. 'Okay I'm going to take Lily out for lunch if thats okay with you Emma?' her Dad asked her putting the envelope on the table 'I am going to leave this for you on teh table. I am not going to make you read it your an adult but I think you should' As he got up giving Emma a kiss and taking Lily out leaving Emma to just stare at the envelope


Umm Hi :) Just wanted to say sorry for teh lack of posting been a bit busy at home and with crap at home so yeah trying to post as often as possible . What does the envelope contain ? x

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