Part 7

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Aston POV

‘Finally!’ I exclaimed as I saw Emma and the girls being escorted into the VIP section day daymn she looked HOT! He dress was perfect it really showed off her figure hugging in her curves and it was get low enough to get away with to tights and it really showed off her sexy bum as well. Once we had all said our hellos to each other we ended up together again not that I was complaining I got her a drink and then she asked ‘So how does one repay Aston Merrygold for saving herself and her friends asses now?’ as she took a sip of her blue WKD, ‘Well the first step is to come and dance with I replied taking one last sip of my beer before taking both her hands and dragging Emma up on the dance floor. We must have been dancing for about an hour having shots in between most of the songs and we weren’t that pissed but we were getting there she was such a dirty dancer we were grinding on each other most of the night and then it was the end of that after party. I showed Emma back to the table getting her another drink before whispering in her ear, ‘I’ll be right back sexy’ before going to do some press photos with the boys. I came back about 10 minutes later I saw Emma with the rest of the girls so decided to grab us both another drink each before going back to the table but when I got back it was just Emma sat there.

Emma POV

‘Where did everyone else go?’ I heard Aston say coming back to the table with drinks for us, ‘Well Marvin and Chloe have gone back to our room, Reesh and Abi have gone back to hers and Erin’s room and they all looked like they weren’t actually going to sleep if you get what I mean then JB and Erin went back to JBs and Reesh’s room saying that they were off to get some sleep so that just leaves us two party animals.’ I replied laughing a bit. We stayed a little bit after with his managers before he whispered in my ear, ‘maybe we should go we are a bit pissed’ ‘awww don’t be a party pooper Ast your meant to be the partier in the group’ I replied pouting at him slightly ‘Plus I don’t want to go back and walk in on Marvin and Chloe thanks’ I replied. Next thing I knew Aston had pulled my arms over his neck and grabbed my calves and was giving me a piggyback ‘put me down Aston’ I screamed with laughed, ‘Nope you are coming back to mine and Marvin’s don’t worry no funny business I know. We can have more drinks and play 20 questions? Your stuff is already waiting for us in the car now come on’ he replied running out of the club still giving me a piggyback before putting me down so we could get into the car. Before we knew it we were back at the hotel drinking more drinks from the mini fridge and wetting myself after I asked him to do his best impression of me it was soo bad it was hilarious. I can’t really remember what other questions we asked each other apart from the normal ones like family to be honest it turned into more like 100 questions but who cares we are so pissed it’s gonna hurt in the morning I can tell.

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