Part 38

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Once they had finished laughing over the washing-up incident Emma asked Aston, ‘How did the meeting go?’ As Aston sat down next to her as his face dropped slightly frowning slightly before replying, ‘Yeah that’s the thing we were told we have to fly out next week’
‘NEXT WEEK!’ Emma exclaimed as Aston grabbed both her hands.
‘I know baby its really soon and a lot sooner than we planned but Marvin is really worried about Chloe having the baby early and leaving her alone so spoke to management and they said they would arrange for us to go earlier I hope you understand babe’ Emma sighed trying to keep the tears in but failing as they silently started to roll down her face.
‘Hey don;t cry baby we can skype and everything were only gone for a couple of weeks I will be back before you know it plus you have Lily to keep you company’ Aston said pulling her into a tight hug whilst wiping her tears away with his thumb softly. Emma;s tears slowly started to dry up as she pulled out of the hug.
‘I’m sorry …. I do understand its just gonna be a lot harder because next week Lily is going to Liam’s for the whole week if tomorrow night goes well’ Emma says as she sighs heavily again to stop the tears from falling again. Aston pulls her back into a hug as he strokes her hair and whispering,’it’ll be okay baby why don;t I speak to Chloe tonight and see if she fancies staying here whilst we are away I’m sure she doesn’t want to be alone either you can treat yourselves it will just be like old times when you first moved here’
As Emma nodded her head getting up the sofa picking up Lily, ‘Come on missy we need to get ready if our guests are coming in half an hour’ As she made the way up the stairs starting to get ready as Aston ordered the take away.

* Aston POV*

I feel really bad tonight after saying that we had to go early to the US but I understood that Marvin wanted to be with Chloe nearer the time of the birth I mean you hear all the time of women going into labour early and if that was me I wouldn’t want to be away for the birth of my child let alone my first. If I would have known that Lily was at Liam’s I would have asked if we could go a week later but hopefully Chloe will come round and they can keep each other company. This is one of the downsides of my job I always feel bad for leaving my family, friends and girlfriend but it is something that comes with the job. If only Emma knew what I was doing in Miami. I get butterflies thinking about the thought of being able to call her my life I never thought I would feel this way about any girl especially this early into a relationship. But there was something from the first time I met her that I knew that we were meant to be together.

I am debating on whether to ask her Dad’s permission or not I mean its tradition init but then again I haven’t met her Parents even though she’s met mine but he relationship with her Mum is basically non-existent and with her Dad it is strained. I always feel bad about that because at the end of the day it all started when we got together but she says that it isn’t my fault but it doesn’t stop me from feeling guilty about it.

* Emma POV *

I feel so bad about crying I just guess it affected me more than I thought. I knew that Aston was going away with the boys but I didn’t expect it to be this soon. It was worse because I have agreed to Liam having Lily for a whole week if the overnight trip goes well tomorrow night which I am glad about as they are really building a good relationship/bond but if I knew that Ast was going to be away then I would have arranged it for another time. I did get why they had to go early I mean when I was near the end of my pregnancy I didn’t want to be left alone just in case anything went wrong or I went into early labour as that tends to happen to women whose having their first child unlike me with Lily she stayed in there as long as she could and I had to be induced in the end because she just didn’t want to move but she was worth it.

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