Part 34

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Aston POV

Today we were having a meeting with our managers to talk about our new album and us going to Miami in a couple of weeks time. Normally we wouldn’t do all this stuff this early but with Marvin and Chloe having the baby we have started talking about it now so that it can all be sorted so we won’t have to work that much nearer the due date and just after the birth to give them some time. To be honest I was really looking forward to it not only was I going to be and Uncle but it will be nice to have some time off to spend with Emma and Lily yes we have the evenings together but since we have got together apart from the week in between the tour legs of tour and the couple of weeks rest we had after tour me and the boys have been working non-stop. I’m not really into all these meetings but I needed to pay attention in this one as I wanted to talk to management about our tour dates and pull in a little favour to help me with this little plan that I have. Emma worked late last night so I looked after Lily which went really well much to mine and Emma’s delight. I was nervous at first because it was the first time I had looked after her on my own but I fed her fine and just played around with her before putting her to bed. She got a bit upset crying for her Mum so I ended up rocking her to sleep then she went fine when I put her back into her cot.

I got up and went to check on Lily who was up when I went in so I picked her up and brought her down with me putting her in the highchair fixing us both some breakfast. I fed Lily hers before going over to the cooker and started making some bacon sarnies for me and Emma as I started them I felt two hands cover my eyes. ‘Morning baby’ I said turning around as she removed her hands and kissing her softly ‘mmmm morning’ she replied as I carried on making the bacon and she went to pick up Lily.

Normal POV

As they sat down at the breakfast bar eating their bacon sandwiches and Lily playing with some toys in her highchair they started talking. ‘What are you doing then today?’ Emma asked before taking another bite, ‘I have to go into work today got a meeting about Miami and tour next year but I shouldn’t be that late probs be back by 4 what about you?’ he replied. ‘I don’t know might see if the girls want to meet up we haven’t had a proper catch up in ages then why don’t you invite the boys around tonight about 8 then Lily will be in bed I will cook something will be nice for all of us to do something together too’ ‘Yeah sounds good but you don’t have cook we can get a takeaway’ Aston said kissing her forehead as he grabbed the plates and stacking them in the dishwasher ‘No its fine babe I will cook’ ‘As long as your 100% sure baby’ ‘Yes now come on you have a meeting to get to and I have to get Lily ready’ Emma laughed as they both went upstairs to get ready

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