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I stared at my baby as she slept in her bassinet.

I had finally been allowed to get out of bed and walk around.

Today, the ministry of magic would come and obliviate the muggles so we could be transferred to St. Mungo's.

It was my aunt who was the minister, so I was a little scared about seeing her. I mean, I hadn't seen her for such a long time and she knew about the kidnapping.

Mum had been home to get some of my things and some of my clothes, and now I was looking through them with her, as the door to the room opened.

I turned and smiled when I saw Alec.

He was being pushed in here in a wheelchair and after the transporter left, I hurried over and hugged my brother.

"I'm so happy you're okay." I whispered, before straightening up to look at him. "You're going to be able to walk again, aren't you?"

"Oh, yeah of course." Alec chuckled. "My leg is broken in three places and they only put me in a wheelchair because our rooms are located far from each other."

I hummed.

"I can't wait to go to St. Mungo's and have them fix it with magic." He said, and I smiled.

"Hey... what about Omi?" I asked. "Is she okay?"

Alec looked up at me, his face changing.

"Why don't you sit down?" He asked. I felt dad's presence as he wrapped an arm around me.

"C'mon." He told me. "Let's get you back to bed..."

"No. Wait a minute." I said, trying to push my dad away, but it wasn't working.

I stared at Alec.

"Why do I need to sit down?" I asked. "You just need to tell me that she's okay."


"You need to tell me that she's okay!" I shouted.

"But she's not okay, Bree."

I frowned, staring at him. My heart started racing, and I had to place a hand to my chest to try and calm myself down.

"What? What are you talking about? She's okay. She is okay."

"She passed away." Alec said. Everything after that, was just a blur.

I didn't hear anything else. I just stared at him while trying to process the three words he just said.

"Why are you—" I shook my head. "Why are you saying that?"

"C'mere, darling." Dad said, but I pushed him away.

"Go away!" I screamed at him, then turned to Alec. "What the fuck are you talking about?!"

"I'm so sorry, Bree." Alec shook his head. "She hit her head and—"

"No." I laughed. "No! We're supposed to move in together. I'm going to marry her one day. I'm— she's my girlfriend..."

"Bree, baby." Mum said but I shook my head and rushed to the bathroom where I threw up in the toilet.

I collapsed on the ground, screaming all of the pain out. I ran my hands over my face and into my hair, pulling at it while I screamed and cried.

Mum rushed into the bathroom and got on the floor with me, hugging me as we both laid down.

"Make it stop." I cried, tugging at my chest. "It hurts! Make it stop!"

Mum wrapped an arm over my arms, keeping them pinned against my chest.

"I know baby. I know."

The way mum held me, the way she pinned my arms against my chest, caused me to relax after a while.

The pressure to my chest calmed me down, and then I just laid on the floor, staring up at the ceiling while I continued to cry silently.

"I want to go home." I whispered, shutting my eyes. "I want to go home. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go home."

"And you will come home." She assured me. "Maybe already in the morning."

After a while, I opened my eyes and sat up, causing mum to let go of me.

"Why don't we get you back in bed? You need rest."

I didn't answer.

I stared right ahead.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them, and then I started crying again, repeating the same word over and over again.


I sat there, rocking back and forth while crying out that same word.

A doctor and some nurses walked into the bathroom, and when I saw the syringe in the doctor's hand, I started screaming at him, moving back as far as I could until I hit a wall.

"Get away from me! Don't come near me with that thing!"

Mum stood up and placed herself between me and them.

"Is that really necessary?" She asked quietly. "She's just been told her girlfriend died."

"Ma'am, it's only to help her relax. She needs rest and right now, she's freaking out. It's just a sedative."

Mum shook her head, saying something else and then she stepped aside.

"No!" I screamed, kicking at the nurses as they tried to get a hold of me to hold me still. "Mum! Help me! I don't want it! I don't want it! Please!"

The nurses held me down and I screamed and cried for my mum who was standing there, crying with a hand covering her mouth.

The needle entered the skin on my upper arm and I cried as they pushed the liquid into my system.

"I don't want it..." I cried, feeling my body relax more and more. "It's not fair."

When I woke up again, I was in my hospital, bed, my head turned to one side. It was a different room. This time it appeared that I was in St. Mungo's.

My mother was speaking to a healer, while my dad was feeding my baby with a bottle.

Alec was in the room as well. He sat in a chair and he looked well. He didn't have a cast on his leg and I couldn't see a wheelchair or crutches anywhere.

"Did they heal your leg?" I asked, earning the attention of everyone.

Alec smiled when his eyes landed on me, and he nodded, leaning forward to rest his elbows against his thighs.

"I can walk now." He grinned. "Pretty awesome, eh?"

I offered a weak smile.

"Sabrina?" Dad asked, and I looked at him as he tilted his head. "Emmanuel is in the custody of the ministry. He's being handed over to England to attend court, and then he's going back to Ghana to serve his time."

"Good." I whispered. "What about Tomas?"

"Tomas surrendered." Mum spoke, and I turned to look at her. "He's made a deal. He's admitted to being the one who kidnapped you. He's admitted to raping you twice and to be a part of holding you captive. He'll be locked up for a long time."

"What?" I sat up. "But— he didn't have a choice! He didn't want any of it! He didn't want to do it!"

"Sabrina... he managed to avoid a death sentence." Mum said. "Fourteen years is nothing compared to a death sentence."

"Fourteen years?!" I exclaimed. "That isn't fair!"

"He raped you, Sabrina." Dad said, but I ignored him, staring at my mum.

"Mum you have to do something. He doesn't deserve fourteen years. He needs to serve time, but not one and a half decades!"

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