chapter three

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"IS THERE A NUMBER WE CAN CALL FOR YOUR PARENTS?" MIKE ASKED TO THE mysterious girl they found in the woods.

After minutes of Valerie begging him to let her stay, he did, but it was no use because she wouldn't talk to them at all.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?"

The brunette rolled her eyes moving from behind the boys and walking up to her. The girls eyes brightened up at her face like she recognized her.

Lucas, Dustin and Mike looked to her surprised... they just figured it was a girl thing.

"Shut up guys, she's obviously just cold and scared, Mike give her some clean clothes." Valerie informed.

He picked up the piles of warm clothes handing it to the val who passed it to the buzz-cut girl.

"You can change into it so you wont be cold." The nueve-girl explained getting a head small nod from her.

She sat up, wiping her wet face with the shirt before placing the clothes down to pull her dress up. The three-boys exclaimed loudly, hiding their faces.

Valerie giggled and shook her head. "No, you can go to the bathroom over their for privacy... get it?"

The girl nodded once again, glancing around the room before walking to to bathroom with Valerie following shortly behind her to close the door.

The buzz-cut girl held the door open with a scared expression.

"What's wrong? You don't want it closed?" Valerie wondered, tilting her head confusedly.

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