chapter five

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THE LOUD SOUND OF THE WALKIE-TALKIE going off woke her out of her deep sleep.
"Valerie, this is Mike, I repeat this is a code red! Do you copy!" Mike screamed loudly.

Valerie blinked her eyes open, thinking about the things he said before going right back to sleep.

"Valerie! I repeat this is a code-

"Shut. Up!" She spoke, turning it off completely.

Finally for about a minute she got some peace and quiet- that was until her house phone started ringing.

The teen-girl groaned loudly, sitting up from her ned and yanking it off the wall. "Mike, I swear to god i'm gonna kill y-

"This is Will. It's an emergency you need to come over to Mike's ASAP!" Will interrupted her.

She furrowed her eyebrows, moving the sloppy hair out of her face. "Is everything- will? Will I know you didn't just hang up on me!"

Since her and her brother weren't on speaking terms she had to bike all the way to the Wheelers house early in the morning.

She was for sure gonna be grumpy.

"I swear if you wasted my time i'm gonna stranger all of you!" Valerie walked down the stairs angrily.

"Mommas mad." Mike muttered, sinking in the couch when she glared him unamused.

"It's not a waste of time." Will insisted. "He's back."

Her eyebrows quirked up, side eyeing everyone by her who was previously looking at her.

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