chapter six

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VALERIE GASPED OUT FOR AIR, HER HANDS GRIPPING THE CLOSEST THING next to her that happened to be Mike Wheeler. Her eyes burned with tears of joy as she realized she was alive.

"Shh, it's okay, you're okay." Mike pulled her into him, rubbing her back comfortingly. Her friends all were relieved that she was okay.

"I-I saw him he wanted to steal m-my-

"Slow down you're panicking, just look at me okay i'm right here." The wheeler-boy assured.

Valerie glanced up at him weakly, her panicked body relaxing some.

"I love you Valerie."

Four simple words made her heart flutter, that's all she ever wanted to hear.

"I love you Mike."

After seconds of staring at each other he wrapped his arm around her waist to assist her, The harrington-girl limped over to her brother.

Steve didn't hesitate to embrace her into a tight hug. "Don't ever scare me like that dipshit, I can't loose you."

"You won't loose me."

The entire car ride back Valerie had Little Dark Age on replay in fear that she would get taken, all she could think about was Vecna.

After a long ride the car finally pulled into Mike's driveway so everyone could rest up.

Valerie's walkman was old so randomly it would take a sixty minute pause, she really needed to get a new one before the glitch cost her her life.

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