chapter fourteen

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"SERIOUSLY THIS GUY PICKS THE PERFECT TIME TO KISS BLOCK!" MIKE exclaimed irritably while sitting up from his bed.

Valerie rolled her at him and turned around. "This is serious Mike! Vecna has Nancy... I—I can feel her fear like she's right next to me. She's terrified."

"Shit. Shit. Shit! Is there anything we can do? There has to be something!" He began to freak out.

First his girlfriend now his sister, Mike felt like he had been having extremely bad luck lately.

Valerie lowered her eyebrows until the thought of a past conversation she had with El popped in her mind.

"There is something."

His face light up with hope. "Okay, great. What is it?"

She flickered her eyes to the bathroom, landing them on the bathtub.

"I'm gonna need a lot of salt. Like. A lot." She responded without breaking her eyes from it.

Piggy back.

"Valerie.... you're not actually considering going back to that son of a bitch? Right? Because that's the riskiest plan i've ever heard!" He raised his voice.

He had every right to be panicking, it seemed like no matter how hard he tried to keep her away from Vecna.

He always came back.

"I can't let Nancy die because of something I caused!" Valerie shouted back.

He walked over to her with an let down emotion that she read clearer than a book.

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