chapter seven

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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡

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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡

LITTLE DARK AGE HAD BEEN PLAYING in her ear for what felt like the millionth time this day. They were standing outside Victor Creel's house hoping to find a reason for everything behind these doors.

"It's locked." Mike informed, turning his back to his girlfriend who raised her eyebrows cluelessly.

He cocked his head back to the door to signal her to open it. Valerie rose her hand that immediately swarmed with her magic.

She walked over to the door and placed her hand on the doorknob, chills filling throughly her body but she ignored it and unlocked it.

The door opened up revealing a abandoned home, their was no power or anything.

"Looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill." Lucas joked while turning on his flashlight.

Steve glanced around at everyone with a frown, "Where'd everyone get those?"

"Do you need to be told everything?" Dustin asked with a scoff.

Valerie rolled her eyes and passed him her's flashing her eyes red. "Have it, I don't need it."

Steve thanked her even though she couldn't hear and glared the henderson-boy. They crew walked around the house, all the furnisher still being there.

"They just left everything." Nancy realized.

Valeries paused completely when she saw a familiar grandfather clock... the same one from inside Vecna's curse.

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